Three months (part four)

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Today's the day. Seeing your brothers Sam and Dean three months later. You didn't know how to react to this, so you got up a little earlier than Carson and Bobby and decided to go out and get some muffins.

While you walked over a couple of blocks to the muffin shop, you saw a mom and a daughter walking across the street. It reminded you of you and your mom when you were little, she'd always walk you to school with your lunch pale in her hand. You let a smile slip your lips and crossed the street.

As you were walking up to the shop, you saw a sign of a funeral date of a deceased person. You studied it, seeing the description of how the person was found while dead.

'Eyes taken out, hands were cut off and put in a vase.' You read to yourself. You knew that it was something supernatural because of how the description was described, but then again, you weren't in that kind of life anymore. You sighed, opening the door and heading in.


As you walked back to the motel, you were thinking about your future. Maybe you just needed a break from hunting, not quit and scare your brothers off. All of these scenarios were going through your head, not paying attention while you were crossing the street, almost getting hit by a car.

Your heart suddenly felt like it stopped, making you gasp in terror. You let out a deep breath and continued to the motel.

"Hey Bobby, Carson, I got some muffins." You opened your door to your room and struggled to close back the door. You set down the muffins on the little table by the window.

"Thank god, you have nothing sweet in here." Bobby took it upon himself to open the muffin box and plop a bite into his mouth.

"God Bobby, you're a weirdo." You joked to him.

"Ever since I was born." Bobby says with a muffling tone because of the muffin. You rolled your eyes.

You go to your bed seeing that Carson was still sleeping peacefully so you didn't wake him up. All of a sudden, you hear Bobby starting to shake Carson awake.

"Hey buddy, wake up!" Bobby yells. You look at Bobby strangely, having Carson wake up with his eyes half close.

"Her brothers will be here any minute." Bobby mentions.

"Any minute?" You exclaimed, having a little mental breakdown in your head. "I have to get ready!" You ran into the bathroom and straightened your hair back and brushed your teeth again. You then straightened up your clothes. To look presentable, you put on some mascara. You realized that you were wearing the jacket that Sam gave you on your first hunt.

"Y/N, you're already ready." Carson told you. You looked down at yourself, realizing that you were.

"Oh." You let out a nervous laugh. "I knew that."

"Y/N, it's okay. Just be yourself. They're your brothers." Bobby assures you.

You were honestly scared out of your wits. Why? You didn't know. You were just meeting up with your brothers three months later. You felt bad for just leaving them like this. Telling them over the phone that you don't want to see them again. Thinking that they are mad at you forever because of hurting them like this. You hated yourself ever since you left, but you knew that you were only doing it for yourself. Or that's what you thought you were doing.

All of a sudden, a knock on the door made you jump a little. Bobby and Carson look at you and motion their heads for you to open the door. You shook your head quickly, motioning them to open the door. Carson rolled his eyes at both you and Bobby and walked over to the door. As Carson walked to the door, you ran into the bathroom, locking it behind you.

Y/N Winchester Imagines Where stories live. Discover now