Chapter 6

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"What the hell was all that! How did you purify resentful energy? When did your flute turn white no more like when did you get it?" Jiang Cheng slammed his hands on the table noticing how Wei Wuxian was calmly serving everyone a cup of tea without reaction to his outburst, only stopping his questions when Lan Xichen placed a hand on his shoulder. With a huff he sat down still staring Wei Wuxian down.

"I'll answer all your questions once the Wen siblings return" In no time the Wen siblings entered the room and took a seat near Wei Wuxian who passed the tea to them.

"Try to stay calm as I explain this, I am not from this timeline. I came from another time where I was never kidnapped by the Wen's instead I was punished by Madam Jiang before the ambush attack on Yunmeng sect. The only ones who had survived were Jiang Yanli, Jiang Cheng and me. We had gone into hiding before Jiang Cheng was taken and had his golden core melted."

A cold chill ran through them at the thought of having their golden cores melted rendered useless, especially Jiang Cheng who couldn't believe that had happened to him.

"After we found Jiang Cheng we nursed him to health and..." Looking away he wasn't able to admit the truth of what he had done. "Wen Ning and Wen Qing had found a way to restore your golden core, but later I was taken and was thrown into burial mounds where I had created the demonic cultivation and with that I helped destroy Wen Chao."

By this point Wei Wuxian had gone pale and his body felt cold. Although he regretted many things he wasn't able to change his past life. He felt as if he relived his past over again and blamed himself for everything that had happened.

"Wei Ying" The deep voice that called his name got his attention pulling him out of his painful memories. The addition of the warm hand on his made him feel better. 'Lan Zhan, i'm sorry you had always been by my side even when no one else was but I had tried pushing you away to keep you safe'

Taking a deep breath he continued on.

"By that time I had used the Stygian Tiger seal I had made Wen Ning into a conscious fierce corpse and because I wasn't able to control my emotions I had caused everyone to turn against me and fell." With trembling eyes he looked over at Wen Ning who had a confused look on his face. He was sure the story was different from what he explained.

Meeting Wei Wuxians silent pleading eyes he nodded not uttering his thoughts.

"Later i had be transported into a garden where a man had entrusted me to change this timeline, and I need your help"

The room was completely quiet, no one was sure how to respond to his story but Lan Wangji was sure of one thing, he would protect his Wei Ying until his last breath.


Not having expected this response Wei Wuxian couldn't help it as he burst out laughing. His laugh was contagious bringing out a chuckle from everyone, even Lan Wangji couldn't help letting out a small smile.

Some of the tension had been released before he calmed down and got serious again.

"The reason Wen Ning was asleep was because he had a Yang needle embedded in his body, it most likely happened after he was stabbed."

"How is that possible we didn't detect anything besides resentful energy"

"I know" Their attention was directed towards Wen Ning who had spoken up. "That day Wen Chao wasn't holding his usual sword, this sword looked black with cracks and was surrounded with resentful energy"

Wide eyed Wei Wuxian looked down at Chenqing who was now purified

"That sword where is it now?"

"We don't know after he had been stabbed the sword disappeared."

A sigh drifted from Wei Wuxians lips, he needed to get in contact with that man but he didn't know how.

"For now we should be careful, there is someone who can use yang energy to hurt people and i don't think he's human."

"Wait doesn't that mean Uncle Wei placed the needle into his body?" Everyone stared at Jin Ling who had expressed the question he was dying to ask for a while.

At his question Jiang Cheng stood up checking Wei Wuxian who started laughing from being tickled. "Wa..wait Jiang Cheng let me explain!" His laugh slowly disappeared as he caught his breath.

"I was told that my soul has resistance to dark energy so I wont get hurt by it. I had placed the needle into my body which had it purified." Placing his hand to his chest a soft light could be seen as a needle that appeared to be the size of a hair pin come out making them stare astonished. The once Yang needle was now purified and turned into Yin energy.


"Magic" Wei Wuxian couldn't help joking around before that mystery man's voice sounded in his head.

'Next head to Qinghe Nie Sect, you will need their help...and stop calling me a strange man i have a name too it's JianYu'

With that JianYu's voice disappeared.

"Tomorrow we will head to Qinghe Nie Sect but before that, would someone like to explain to me why there were paintings of me around Nightless City and the purpose of me wearing the mask."

"Ahaha well everyone rooms have been prepared for everyone we will speak in the morning." With a bow Wen Qing grabbed Wen Ning and quickly left the room where she quietly explained to Wen Ning that he must not speak about the things that happened during those 3 years Wei Wuxian couldn't remember.

"Jiang WanYin we should head to the bedrooms to rest, today has been eventful and i believe Jin Ling is tired."

Lan Xichen smiled as he stood up along with Jiang Cheng. "But Uncle Cheng im not-"

With a sharp glare Jin Ling shut his mouth and fake a yawn following behind his uncle and Lan Xichen.

Wei Wuxian could feel his eye twitch as he followed behind everyone to the rooms.

"Lan Zhan now you must answer-" Being pulled into one of the rooms Lan Wangji set up a barrier not allowing the sinful moans from Wei Wuxian to be heard from the room.

As their nightly duties commenced Wei Wuxian tried asking Lan Wangji his question only to be silenced again by a kiss. "Everyday is Everyday Wei Ying" As if those words triggered something inside Wei Wuxian his mind fogged as he let himself get lost in the feeling of pleasure that his Lan Zhan gave him.

Everyone thank you so much for 1.01k reads, it truly makes me happy that people enjoy my story even if it isn't that good. I thank everyone from the bottom of my heart. 💙

Another Chance - A Wangxian storyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें