"I...Forgive me... I wasn't thinking."

"Agreed." He lifted a finger and poked her forehead.

"You are forgiven tonight. But don't let it happen again."

"Yes Wangja-nim."

"Come. Let us retire."

"Yes Wangja-nim." Eyes followed him as he began to walk past her and she was in awe for quite another reason. When had Wangja-nim gotten so tall? Just four years ago when she'd been brought to this place, he was the same height as her. But it seemed that his body decided that it would not stay the same. No, it decided that it would grow long like bamboo.

"Walk up Tiye."

"Yes." At fourteen summers, he was losing the infantile fat around his face and instead a chielsed jawline was forming in its stead. Eyes drifted up past shoulders that were growing broad to his hair.

He had rebelliously kept it short, soon after learning of her arrival. Rather, of how she arrived. He didn't much seem to support the idea of chattel slavery even though influences of it existed in his very own country. Though he probably wouldn't think so. But in her fourteen years on this earth, she'd seen enough about it to know that it was a disease that had spread worldwide. It didn't care what color you were or what your background was.

Licking her lips, she toyed with imaginary braids before stopping herself. That's right. It had been three years since the King, his father had forbade her to wear her hair as it was and forced his attendants to cut them off. Since then, she'd worn a short coily bush. As they neared his chambers, she swallowed some, grateful for the saliva that had returned.

"Tomorrow will be a day you might enjoy." He said quietly as he let her in.


"Tomorrow my brother and I shall spar."


"For that, we must rest. I'm sure you'll prove to be a worthy opponent as always. Come." He'd gone to lay on his bed of furs and soon she joined him, surrounded by his warmth. Sighing against her, he soon grew lax beside her and she took the time to observe him, turning underneath an arm that desired to keep her still. The moon streamed starlight across his face and she took in his eyelashes that fluttered against the tops of his cheekbones. The small short tuffs of air that traveled up from in between his lips. The hair he'd let free fell across a sweaty forehead.

Closing her eyes, she pressed her face against his chest. Wangja-nim was a good person. Since her arrival, he'd not laid a hand to her, had not tried to take advantage of her or abuse her in any other way. Instead, he had patiently taught her his mother tongue, taught her how to read and write, albeit in secret. He was always there...always close by. With him, she felt safe. Protected. That feeling she hoped would never fade.


Fade it did not. The years continued to pass and in her own way she too decided that she would not stay the same. She'd stayed in her place... for the most part. Only twice had she received the lash for rebellious behavior. Both times of which Wangja-nim was most indignant. He too was reminded of his place. And hers. To the family, to the society in which she'd been forced into... she was dirt. Rather... she was lower than horse shit. And so, his favor while not disappearing completely waned a bit. At least while they were in public. When they were together, well... that was a different matter entirely.



She wasn't aware that he had been watching her the entire part of fifteen minutes and counting. He intended to remain hidden for as long as he could stand it. Off alone, she stood by the bath and slowly began to remove her hanbok, a recycled old one that needed throwing away. His breath caught in his throat as she stepped out of it. Turning to face him, she reached up to start to unravel the gold twine she used to adorn her hair. Heat flushed him as his gaze slipped down her body. Pert breasts and small dusky nipples were clothed in smooth dark skin. The same golden twine encircled her waist and draped round hips. A small lush bush of hair the same coily texture as that on her crown hid treasures underneath and he felt his nether regions jolt as she turned back towards the water, her back facing him.

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