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I'm Sophie Rose and I'm 17. I'm a singer and it's always been my passion. I always have people come up to me in public and freak out, but my security always pushed them away, making people think I'm too good for them. Truth is, I love meeting fans and they're always so nice and always give me something. I was sitting in my room after posting a TikTok and looked through the comments.

Bryce Hall: Imagine if she liked this comment or replyed.

I never replied to anyone, and he would always comment that on everything I posted. It wasn't like I was gonna do it. I had certain conditions and people I'd like, and he didn't fit in any of those categories. Yeah, he was more famous than me, but it gets annoying when someone keeps bugging you. I decided I needed to go shopping for food since I had had a breakdown earlier and eaten it all. My security came with me and drove. I was buying 50 boxes of ice cream when someone came over.

"You're Sophie Rose," he said.

"I've seen you before," I stated, stopping security from sending him away.

"I'm Nick. Nick Bean. Um... My friends birthday is today and he's a huge fan of yours. Can I get your number to surprise him?"

"I mean... Who is your friend?"

"Bryce Hall."

"I'll give you a number, but you'll only be able to contact it once."

"Okay. Thanks. He'll be so happy. Can we do a 20 questions type thing?"

"Oh, yeah, sure. He can ask me 20 questions and I have to answer them all." I gave him the number and he FaceTimed me a couple of hours later while I was babysitting my 12-year-old niece Mel. "Hey," I said.

"Hey. Okay, so I'm gonna give him the phone in a minute. I'm hiding outside and we're making a YouTube video of it. That's okay, right?" Nick asked.

"Yeah." Bryce was given the phone and was in shock.

"This isn't real. This is a prank," he stated and I smiled. "Are you serious right now?"

"Hi," I smiled.

"Oh, my God!"

"You get to ask her 20 questions and she has to answer them," Nick explained.

"Are you single?"

"Yes, I'm single," I snickered.

"'Cause she ain't pretty enough for a boyfriend," Mel said.

"Okay, shut up." I pushed her face away. "Sorry, I'm babysitting her."

"Who was your song Selfish about?" Bryce asked.

"My ex. Not saying names."

"What did he do?"

"He used to be a really nice guy. Then he started getting so self-absorbed and he was just narcissistic. I tolerated it for some time then I had enough." He asked 20 questions and Mel was jumping around being distracting. "Hang on one sec," I told Bryce, getting up. "Mel, stop being an annoying shit!"

"I'm telling my mom you said that," she said. "Bitch!"

"Oh, you little..." I picked her up and threw her across the room and onto the couch. When I say threw, that girl flew 6 feet off the ground.

"Ahh!" She screamed.

"Next time, I'll tie you with a rope!" I locked her in the room and sat back down.

"Jeez," Bryce snickered.

"It's the side of me that only she brings out." He nodded and we were quiet for a sec.

"I'm still trying to process this. How'd you meet Nick?"

"20 questions is up," I shrugged.

"Just this one?"

"Ask Nick. I have to go make sure she doesn't destroy the house."

"Okay. Bye. Just... Remember me, please?"

"Okay, okay." I hung up and watched over Mel for the rest of the day until my sister picked her up.

"Mom, she called me an annoying shit," Mel snitched.

"It's because you are. Come on," Kyree said and pulled Mel to her car. I got ready for the night and was deep in thought. Bryce was pretty nice. But I had only seen this side which was fanboying over me. I wanted to see the side which was normal. I kept getting tagged in a TikTok and checked it out. Bryce had posted a snippet of our conversation on his TikTok. He captioned it and I rolled my eyes.

Best birthday surprise! Sophie Rose! Tag her so she can see this and check her DM's!

I commented and set my phone aside.

Ayyy! That's me! Not checking my DM's...

I slept and woke for a lazy day at home. Mel came over and she was bored like me.

"Wanna go get our nails done?" I asked.

"Hell yeah," she got up and we went to the nail salon. Our nails looked super cute and we got back to the car. "So what's for lunch?"

"We could get McDonald's."

"Burger King sounds better."

"Sure. What do you wanna do now?"

"Let's go home and DM people back. You have tons of fans. I have tons of fans..." Mel got her phone.

"Miss Big Shot. So, you're single still?" I turned on the radio.

"Mom chases away every boy I bring home."

"When I was little, I'd steal all her ex-boyfriends."

"So she had me in high school when she had sex without protection. What was memaw's reaction?"

"She disowned your mom." We got lunch and replied to DMs. I looked at Bryce's message and he explained how long he's listened to my music. It was a really sweet message and I just replied with "Thanks". He opened it immediately and freaked out. 

B: What are you up to?

Me: I'm hanging out with my niece... You?

B: Hanging out with the Sway boys.

B: Do you wanna come over later...?

Me: Maybe. Don't get your hopes up.

B: I'm getting my hopes up.

Me: Don't.

I stopped texting and Mel went home. I asked Bryce for the address and drove there. All the guys were hyped to see me and Bryce tried his best to be a gentleman. But he couldn't resist challenging Griffin to shotgun a White Claw.

"I can't break this," he said.

"Here," Griffin bit it for him and Anthony timed it with them finishing in 11 seconds.

"Bryce is scared of having a bad first impression," Jaden said, all of them looking at me.

"Y'all are pussies," I shook my head.

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