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Third POV

Timestamp: 11:00 AM

Time had quickly passed, as before they knew it was already 11. So now Katsuki was heading out and so was the hospital supervisor.

. . . With Katsuki ( 10 minutes ago~). . .

"Sir, are you sure you don't want me to drive you there or at least want any backup?" Sero asked, a bit confused by his boss's sudden request.

After all it was very unusual for a mafia head to go out unprotected, escpeically since Katsuki was so big on security and protection.

"Yes I'm sure." Katsuki annoyedly retorted, as he clutched one of the car keys in his hand, headed to the elevator despite the confused look of his employees.

There was an underground parking garage, with three levels, of which were many cars for Katsuki's disposal. And that was it, He'd gotten into a white Mercedes CLA and sped off.

. . . With the supervisor . . .

"Bye,*****" Uraraka cheerfully waved, her voice bouncing of the walls in the parking garage of the hospital.

"Bye Uraraka, is there any thing you'd like for me to get for you at the cafe?" The other supervisor questioned, hopping into their vehicle with a bounce in their step.

"Yeah a girlfriend." Uraraka laughed, as the other supervisor chuckled.

"No but seriously, if you can get me a chocolate muffin." Uraraka answered, feeling her mouth water at a sweet chocolatey treat.

The supervisor nodded, starting up their car and heading out.

They were soon on their way to a nearby cafe known as Moonlight Sakura on 34th.

. . . Now. . .

Katsuki being a very timely person, had arrived first, though he didn't have to wait long before he saw a black G-wagon pull up to the parking lot.

He watched the person exit the car, meaning Bakugo could make his move.

"Katsuki!" The person beamed brightly as they walked over to the blond who they could proudly state was their boyfriend.

"Hello...Izuku."Katsuki answered, as he looked at the person in front.

The person he was talking to was Izuku Midoriya, someone Katsuki had known since he was only a tyke and had loved for just as long.

Izuku, if you will, was a bit short for his age, but he had the body to make up for it. His complexion was a light tan, dusted with sun-kissed freckles. He his face was rounded; large round green eyes with unruly yet extremely soft curls.

At first glance he didn't seem like much to others but to Katsuki?

Well he'd kill someone for Izuku.

But no need since Izuku was Katsuki's boyfriend, they started dating in 8th grade.

Their relationshipwas odd to say the least, a story for another time but for now just understand that Izuku was practically bakugo's first loyal member in mafia terms.

"It looks cloudy, shall we head in now?" Izuku uttered, looking up at the clouds as he entwine his arm around Katsuki's buff one.

"After you." Katsuki answered, opening the door to the cafe allowing his beloved to go in first. Izuku smiled softly, before he walked into the cafe.

Katsuki ordered a plain black coffee, as Izuku ordered a water bottle, red velvet cupcake and a chocolate muffin to go.

"So how's work?" Katsuki asked, taking a sip of his coffee, "Good, I hope?"

"Eh I guess so." Deku shrugged, his expression a bit downcast, fiddling with the lining of his cupcake before his emerald irises met Katsuki's ruby ones.

"Something wrong?" Katsuki inquired, scanning Izuku up and down.

"It's nothing..." Izuku shook his head, even though he knew it was a lie; deep down, he wanted to ask the burning question about Katsuki's life.

Despite living with this man and doing all sorts of romantic things with him, Izuku wanted to know what was really going on.

When they were kids, Katsuki and his family had basically disappeared off the face of the earth for 2 years, but when the man returned he'd done a nearly 180 from how he was.

He'd become more secretive and serious about things.

The truth of the matter was that Katsuki's hadn't told Izuku the truth about him. About his family or the inherited mafia business.

Deep down he knew where this was going to, as Katsuki gently caressed Izuku's squishy cheek, "Well if it's nothing, bring back that beautfiul smile of yours."

He watched Izuku smile; a faint blush decorating the boy's face"Alright, I do have one thing I wanna ask." Izuku sheepishly added, his eyes flickering with hope.

"Lay it on me." Katsuki grinned, his hand tracing the outline of Izuku's cheek before finding itself entwined with soft locks.

"Here goes; how is it in your office?" Izuku gave off a toothy grin, "Surely it can't be boring, you run a company for heavens sake."

Luckily, Katsuki was a smooth talker and an even better fibber, knowing he couldn't take the risk of spilling the truth, "Oh but it really is humdrum and boring; just documents and going to meetings, besides I like leaving, cause I get to see you, babe."

"Well I guess that's pretty understandable..."Izuku tilted his hand, grabbing onto Katsuki's other hand with a warm gaze twinkling in his eyes.

He wasn't one to sit still, hence why he chose a hectic job like being a supervisor in a major hospital.

The topic was then changed, onto other things much to Katsuki's delight.

At some point in discussion, Katsuki gave Izuku his jacket, since the place was getting a bit too cold for the boy's liking.

To everyone else in the restaurant, they appeared like every other couple deeply in love...

"Wow, 11:50 already... I have work to get to and I'm sure you do too." Izuku exclaimed, slowly sliding out of his seat, still holding hands with the man.

"Right, Cmon."Katsuki agreed looking down at his phone, noticing the muted messages from Kirishima, as he left a 100$ tip, walking him and Izuku out of the small cafe.

Watching Izuku get into his car, Katsuki's waved and  waited for Izuku  to drive away before he could make his descent back to work.

. . . With Izuku . . .

Within no time, he'd finally returned back to work to see Uraraka waiting for him by the entrance as instructed.

"Hey, I see someone enjoyed their time off." Uraraka noted, a smirk on her face, "And here you were trying to opt out of it."

Izuku playfully rolled his eyes, "Yeah Yeah, and here's your muffin I promised."

"Thank you!" Uraraka gleefully cheered, opening the white pastry bag and taking a small bite before looking back at him, "Wait a moment I thought you weren't wearing a jacket when you left?"

Izuku looked down in realization, only to see he was still wearing Katsuki's suit jacket from earlier. Guess he must've forgotten about it.

Izuku gave her a knowing look, Uraraka instantly getting it and trying to shoo him off to his car, "I'll cover you but be quick before she notices you're still not back."

Izuku nodded, as he quickly went back into his car and sped off to Katsuki's work area to return his jacket.

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