Chapter 34 - Crucible

Start from the beginning

I went over to Angela who was currently patching up Torbjörn's arm, since he took a bullet.

Angela looked up and saw me standing there with tears in my eyes, holding (y/n)'s crucible.

"Lena, is everything ok?" She asked.

"Angie, (y/n)'s out there. I, I tried to save him but, but I failed."

I broke down crying and fell to the floor. I couldn't believe that the one time I could have repaid (y/n) for everything he'd done to help me, I'd failed him and left him to die.

"Lena, he's going to be fine. You know how powerful he is. He'll fight his way back."

I sat up and looked into Angela's eyes.

"But, what if, what if he isn't? What if he really is dead? It would all be my fault!"

Angela sat next to me and put her arm around me and gently hugged me.

"Trust me, he'll be alright."

"I hope you're right."

Just then, the baron of hell came charging into our retreated position and threw everyone he hit to the side. Genji went to go cut his arm off, but the baron smacked Genji away. Mccree started unloading into its head, but was unable to do any damage. Reinhardt ran up to it and smacked it as hard as he could, only to be met by the baron's fist sending him flying into a wall.

Suddenly the baron stopped and stood still.

"Now. I'll give you an offer. Hand over the crucible, and your deaths will be quick, but resist, and your deaths will be excruciatingly painful."

The talon assassin walked over to me. I stood up and held the crucible in my hands.

"I'm sorry (y/n)." I said. I was about to hand her the crucible, but suddenly my Tether activated.

When I reappeared, I fell straight to the floor. I looked up to see (y/n) and Samuel Hayden standing there.

"(Y/n)! I shouted as I ran up to him. I swung my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "(Y/n), I'm so sorry." I repeated as I started crying.

"Hey Lena, don't cry now. We've gotta go kill some talon bastards, but first, I think you have something of mine."

I took a step back and looked at the crucible still in my hands. I held it out for (y/n). As he picked it up, he brought the blade out before retracting it.

"Lead the way." (Y/n) said.

We ran to where the Talon soldiers were holding all the overwatch agents hostage.

"Right then. I've got a plan." (Y/n) said.

"What's your plan?" I replied.

(Y/n) looked at me and smiled. "You go in with the crucible out and start to taunt them. When you're done with the taunting, Hayden will Tether you out and I'll go kill em all. Sound good?"

"Sounds good to me. Anything else?"

"Nothing else, other than remember to rip and tear until it is done."

With that we got ready for our attack. We could see from a distance that all of the overwatch agents were sat on the floor at gunpoint, with the talon assassin and widowmaker walking around, asking them questions.

We got close enough to the fight for us to start our plan. I blinked in past all the soldiers with the crucible out and smiled. Both of them turned to face me. After they realised it was me with the crucible, they both put their guns up and pointed them at me.

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