A sister regret

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Petunia Dursley couldn't help but feel shame well inside of her. She hated how Lily and herself been distant ever since Lily found out that she was a witch.

She wanted to go to Hogwarts even wrote a letter to the headmaster, but he turned her down gently. She got jealous and took it out on Lily.

There, their relationship went downhill until her wedding which they lost all contact with each other. Magic was causing nothing but pain. She hated magic.

She blamed Lily for every little thing that happen to her such as her parents death.

"It wasn't my fault!" Lily sobbed painfully and Petunia scoff.

"Your magic cause nothing but pain!" She had scream in the redhead face.

She did invite Lily and that Potter boy but didnt dare to even make a small conversion with them. Her new husband didnt want to invite them in the first place!

Later in life..she got a letter saying that her sister and her husband had been killed by the dark wizard. She knew what the headmaster meant. By no means it wasn't a pretty sight.

Through had she raised her nephew(which she didn't and wouldn't want to) it made her life a living hell.

To this day, and Petunia wouldn't say this out loud but: She regret treating Lily that way and wished she had recoiled with her...

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