Kalea turned to face this unusually generous stranger. His blue orbs shimmered in the artificial lighting as he eyed the girl curiously. It was obvious he was trying to flirt with her ."That wasn't necessary, but it is much appreciated."

   The guy snickered, showing his perfectly white teeth. "Name's Dylan. It's a pleasure to meet you... uh-"

   "Kalea." She said with a polite smile, shaking his hand. "The pleasure is mine." 

   "Listen Kalea, I'm not usually this forward but," He moved closer to her. "Would you mind if I asked you for your number? I think you're really pretty."

   She managed to contain a blush. "Are you always this confident?"

   Dylan laughed whole-heartedly, throwing back his head, his silky auburn-brown curls bouncing with every simple movement he made "Only on a weekend. Or when I happen to meet a girl that intrigues me, which —believe it or not— doesn’t happen quite often."

   "You’re right, I don’t believe it. And I’m not as intriguing as you may think."

   "Yet, I'm intrigued." Dylan hummed, "I’d like to get to know you better. I'll let you know before the night ends whether or not you were right. Deal?"

   Kalea pondered his request momentarily before nodding. Their conversation continued. They talked about the most random topics thanks to Dylan, but she didn't complain. She was intrigued too.

   "What was that?" Dylan yelled, leaning in. This had to be the seventh time he said that during the entire conversation and it was starting to annoy Kalea. 

The girl sighed and said, "Is there somewhere else more quiet that we could go?"

   He nodded and reached for her hand. She was hesitant, but she took it anyway. As they were about to leave, she remembered Emily. Her head spun around in search of her best friend. Eventually she spotted the girl bumping and grinding on a random guy in the middle of the crowd. To be honest, the guy looked a bit shady, but Emily knew self defense and had beaten up creeps who tried to harass her before.  Kalea was certain that should anything go wrong, the girl would be capable of holding her own, like she always does. If anyone should be worried it should be said shady guy if he tries to pull any funny shit around her. Kalea chuckled to herself before leaving with Dylan.

~* ~* ~* ~* ~*

   The boy led her down a dark hallway and through a pair of maroon doors with a golden sign on it that read 'V.I.P Lounge: Private Members Only'. As soon as they entered the room, Kalea felt a completely different vibe than she had felt out in the public clubbing area. Music was still playing, yes, but everything felt more... peaceful. Sophisticated even. People were dancing and laughing and drinking in a more civil manner unlike those animals on the other side of that door. Dylan placed his hand on Kalea's back as they made their way over to a booth and sat down. A young woman dressed in a short black dress approached them. "Glad to have you joining us tonight, Mr Whyte. May I get you anything?" She said

   "I'll take a whiskey on the rocks, thank you."

   She glanced at Kalea and smiled. "And for the lady?"

   "I won't mind another Sangria." She shrugged.

   The waitress bowed and walked away. Kalea turned to him. " 'Mr. Whyte'." She mocked, "So you're a regular here?"

   He nodded. "I guess you can say that."

   "Interesting." She murmured. Soon after the waitress returned with their drinks.

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