The Comfy Returning

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"Now, I know that you're really embarrassed to bring up the corpse again." An arrogant, playful grin fell onto his lips. "Did you miss me that much?" Her cheeks heated up, and she didn't look at him. "Maybe, you even secretly miss me taking a bit of your flesh and blood."

"I don't," she firmly replied, staring at the garage door as though it was the source of her problems. "That's a fantasy of yours that'll never come true."

Moving back over to the body, he giggled and set the bags down. "I suppose that you're right, but that's fine." Slightly, she peered over her right shoulder at him. Quickly, she looked back, and she winced at the action. Ether noticed, but he relaxed when he saw that she was alright. A grin fell back onto his lips. "After all, one of my fantasies has come true." Silence greeted him, so he continued, "You missing me and wanting to remain by my side was one of them."

"And, you crying was one of mine," she retorted back, a victorious smirk meeting her lips. That smirk, though, lived briefly when she heard high-pitched giggles behind her. It reminded her of the tunnels all over again, and she cringed at the memory.

"I'm glad to hear it because I probably was tickling your heartstrings, then." She paused, and he giggled again. "See," he practically sang out. "Worked like a charm."

"... Was that all fake?" she asked, anger starting to bubble up within her. She was sure that it had been genuine at the time, but had he actually been tricking her incredibly well? Her hands gripped the arms of the chair, and she faced him.

Immediately, Ether's grin dropped, and a small, reassuring smile greeted his lips. "No, that hadn't been. I truly had been crying." He focused on the body, and she looked away from him. His confirmation eased her anger a little, and she slowly started to relax on the chair again. "You told me about my parents. I finally learned how they felt about me. I couldn't fake my emotions."

A longing sigh escaped past his lips. "I wish that both of them still could be alive. If my father could've found a way to save her. Then, maybe, they could've left before my grandfather had decided to ruin everything. Maybe, we still would've met somehow, and you would've given me a chance."

Bringing her feet up onto the chair, she rested her chin on her knees. "A chance at having a child with me." He giggled, but it was a lighter one, and she didn't pay attention to the tearing of flesh in the background. "If you saw that it could've worked out."

"If your parents were alive, Ether, we wouldn't be together." He paused and glanced over to her, but she didn't meet his gaze. "Yes, we could've met, but you wouldn't be who you are now. You probably wouldn't have gone into Cankerfell and did what you did." Finally, her (e/c) eyes met his very pale blue ones. "You only took an interest in me because I had a knife on me, and you took it into your head that meant that I had wanted to offer you some of my flesh. If your parents were alive, do you think that I would've been put into a situation to pull a knife on you? Do you think that such an action would've intrigued you so much?"

"... I ..."

That time, she cut him off. "You don't know." Her eyes drifted away from his. "And, I don't know. But, I have a feeling that you wouldn't have become so sadistic. Nor, would you have become so obsessed with me. If anything, I might've just become another target for your father and you." She shrugged. "Then, I might've pulled a knife on you, but your intrigue in the action might've been gone." A sigh left her. "There are so many possibilities about what would happen if your parents were living still."

"Exactly." He didn't look to her; he concentrated on cutting. "Maybe, the odds would be against us becoming a couple, but I'd like to think that it could've happened." A small smile formed on his lips. "After all of this, I think that I can have a little happiness like that."

"I thought that you were already happy." Ether stopped again and diverted his optics to her. She still had her knees up by her chest and her chin on them. "You've told me that you'll be happy just by being with me even though you would like more." That time, a quiet laugh parted from him, and the sound caused her heart to skip a beat. Then again, she only had herself to blame for saying those things to him.

"You're right." His smile didn't last long, however. "But, seeing you like this." She felt him scanning over her curled-up body, and she tensed a little. "All of those bruises that I know are under your clothes." The statement caused her stomach to tighten as memories of the subway greeted her mind. "I can't be at my happiest when I know that the person who caused you those is still out there. I want him dead, and I'm going to enjoy killing him slowly. And if I have to kill him fast, I'll be cutting up his body long after he's dead until all of my rage at him is gone."

"Maybe, play darts with his head when he's dead," she muttered even though the idea of him still terrified her extremely, but she did cause several giggles to leave Ether. Then again, he probably was appreciative that she was suggesting such a sadistic action, but she didn't care since she wouldn't mind her prior tormentor suffering. But if he just could die without torture, she would be happy too; she simply wanted him gone.

"If that's what you want, I'll save his head for you." He packaged some of the corpse into the bags and placed them in the freezer. "You even can throw all of the darts."

Steadily, she shifted her eyes back onto him. He looked over to her and grinned. "Yeah?"

"Yeah," he answered, his grin relaxing into a smile. Slightly, a smile met her lips in return.

Infectious Submission (M. Yandere x Fem. Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora