Class of 2015

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I dont't own Fairy Tail or Gajevy. Though I hope you enjoy this. 


She started fiddling with the hem of her gown, wincing at the thought of standing and the gown swallowing her whole. She looked out of the corner of her eye at the giant beside who seemed unnaturally calm, she wishes to be calm but her nerves were haywire. She felt a trickle of sweat travel down the length of her neck,with the weight of the gown and the heat from the gym, she felt sweaty all over. Levy hoped the air-conditioner was working because the humidity has caused her makeup to run, the weight of the cap on her head made her feel she was in a sauna and she kept fanning herself rapidly. She looked at him again with now a bored expression on his face, his head rested on his hand which dug into his knee. His breathing was calm as the lake that resided in her back yard, never riled unless you cause it too.

She felt someone grip her hand tightly shifting her vision to a smiling blonde which then caused her to return with one of her own. She squeezed back which caused Lucy to squeal in excitement, her smile still there that caused her to look genuinely beautiful. She sees why Natsu was wrapped around her finger, he couldn't resist her breathtaking beauty.
"Can you believe it?" She whispered to no one in particular.
"Hmm?" He turned his head to her.
She felt the tears welling in her eyes and this time she doesn't think she will stop. This was the final step to adulthood, graduating. Every second ticked closer to walking out of the gym to the football stadium where they will get their diplomas. Everything seemed surreal in her eyes, the voices that echoed throughout the gym proved the reality of this.She forgot when Lucy let go of her hand ,but she felt a familiar warmth embrace her other. A hand reached out and wiped a tear, foreheads rested against each other holding on to the moment of being Fairy Tail Academy seniors.
"I wouldn't have made it this far if it hadn't been for you shrimp. I didn't see this in my future, but now I can live for something better because of you. Thank you Levy." He pulled her towards him with a gentleness she came to love and was rewarded with a kiss that she will remember as the last one they will share before they become graduates.
Silenced filled the gym as everyone took their seats in their assigned place in the bleachers. Their head master looked at every single one of them with a proud gleam in his eyes. Levy didn't realize she has been holding her breath until the first words left Master's mouth.

"For some annoying brats, I have to say it has been an honor being your Headmaster. When you first started here at Fairy Tail, many of you didn't see past the first day. Some of you came here with expectations, goals and beliefs and some of you still have them in you. In these past four years, all you grew up and became the adults you are today and it saddens me to see you go. In this journey  of Adulthood that you will soon walk, you will make mistakes, lose battles, and lose hope within yourself."The gym became silent as the students processed the words of their headmaster."But, in those times, remember you are a member of Fairy Tail. We protect and fight because we are Fairy tail. Continue to fight not only your fellow brothers and sisters in this academy, fight for you because you are of Fairy Tail." With that he rose his right hand in the sign of Fairy Tail.

It wasn't even a second before their Senior Class President Erza Scarlet stood up with her hand in the air,standing proud and determined, ready to fight the battle ahead. Natsu then joined her, his face wiped of the goofiness he was showing earlier. Lucy stood right next to him with the same determination. She might not have been here at this Academy for the full four years, but she sure felt every bit a part of it as the rest of her classmates. Levy couldn't stop the tears that brewed, their Master's words left her emotional. They were about to enter into the real world, make life changing decisions, become adults. It felt exhilarating and exciting, which replaced her sad tears with happy ones.

She felt movement beside her and was at awe at what she saw. Before her stood a man, a real man that went through struggles and faced them head on. She thinks back to the the words that he just spoke to her moments before."I wouldn't have made it this far if it hadn't been for you shrimp." It warmed her heart knowing that she had made a difference in someone's life, especially someone who she deeply cared about. a familiar warmth captured her hand and led her to stand. She looked up at the man, her man, and gave him her Levy smile. A smile, she knew all too well that made him weak to it. Of course she won't ever tell him that she saw a hint of pink on his cheeks. She was surrounded by her family. Fairy Tail. She rose her hand, proud and filled with the same determination. If she noticed, she didn't say anything, her hand was still in his.


"Levy McGarden."

She tried to keep her composure, as she walked the stage to shake Master's hand. She heard the cheers of her friends from their seats and from all over the stadium. Within seconds she would have that diploma in her hand, proof of her twelve year accomplishment. She shook his hand noticing the gleam in his eyes. She engulfed him in a hug letting a few tears escape. She looked at him with a respect she held for him these past years she has been here.

"Thank you, Master."

He broke out into a grin and hugged her giving an extra squeeze.

"Gajeel Redfox."

She felt an ear splitting grin appear on her face as she heard his name.She sat down back in her seat watching him as he shook the master's hand. The man that shook his hand wasn't the same man she first met. No that man was all, but a distant memory to her. Who would've thought that they would be here, next to each other, together, forever.

Wait. Forever. Forever? FOREVER!!!!

How could she think of something so inappropriate?! Levy cover her face with her hands preventing anyone to see the tomato red on her cheeks. Where did that thought spring up from and why? Was the thought of become adults, searching in the world really springing unanswered questions that she wanted answers to? She felt his familiar warmth settle in right next to her which made overly conscious of his presence. The blush would not go away, she tried thinking of the pros and cons of college, the latest book she is reading, dead puppies. SOMETHING, to keep her mind off the fault of her previous thought. 

The headmaster spoke once more, but more to the audience about them. Everyone could hear how proud he was about his students, he listed all their accomplishments not caring of how long the list was. Through it all, every single senior felt the pride of being part of Fairy Tail. Even though they will become graduates, they knew in their hearts that they will always be part of Fairy Tail. Their tattoos were proof of that, well not everyone got a tattoo, just Levy and her friends. Fairy Tail was a huge part of their lives, continue to be and perhaps for the rest of their lives.

"Ladies and Gentleman, I give you Fairy Tail Academy's class of 2015."

In a single motion, everyone moved their red and white tassel to the left, ending their lives as seniors. Natsu roared to the sky, pumping his fist into the air, causing everyone else to join in too. Levy yelled at the top of her lungs not really caring who heard her or how it sounded. The yell soon turn into a squeal of surprise as she was lifted into the air and onto a firm, muscular shoulder. She felt his hand firmly on her waist supporting her on his shoulder, while she grabbed his other shoulder with her hand just in case. Her squeal turned into a laugh of pure joy as he roared into the air as well. 


Ok, please don't be mad. I know this isn't Gajevy centered, but it hints at it and its adorable. Maybe I did squeeze a possibility in their if you can find it. TeeHee. Anyways I have more chapters to post believe me.

I hoped all of you enjoyed how it focused on Fairy Tail itself instead of just Levy And Gajeel.

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