Part 2

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Two days later we were heading to Diagon Alley to get supplies for the upcoming school year.

"Alright children, you need to do your shopping in two groups," Mrs. Weasley said. We nodded and paired up: me with Ginny and Hermione with Ron and Harry. "Okay then, we'll meet back here in two hours." We set off walking. We first went to Madam Malkin's for new robes, because we were quickly growing out of our current ones. Then we went to Flourish and Blotts for new books, quills, and ink. We already had all of our other supplies like cauldrons and wands. We decided to go to Florean Fortescue's for some ice cream, and soon we were sitting at a table with bowls of ice cream in front of us.

"Mmm, this is so good," Ginny said. I nodded in agreement.

"Hello ladies, can we sit here?" we looked up and saw Blaise and Draco looking at us expectantly. I nodded and they sat in the two vacant chairs at the table; Draco by me and Blaise by Ginny.

"Are you ladies shopping for school today?" Blaise asked.

"Yes," I said simply.

"I presume you're returning to re-do your 7th year?" Blaise asked me. I nodded. "We are too," he gestured to himself and Draco. "Are your friends coming back?" Blaise asked.

"Which friends?" I asked him.

"Potter and Weasley and Granger," Blaise said.

"I know Ron and Hermione are, but I think Harry changed his mind so that he can settle down with Cho," I explained. Cho was in the year above us and she had no reason to come back to school so Harry decided he would take the Auror position he had been offered and settle down with Cho. I heard Draco let out a sigh from beside me. "Are you okay?" I asked him.

"I'm fine," he said simply. I raised an eyebrow, but he shook his head, silently telling me not to look too much into things.

"Aren't you glad Harry's not going to be there?" I asked Draco teasingly, elbowing him softly in the ribs. He nodded. I lowered my eyebrows in concern, looking to Blaise for answers.

"Maybe you should talk to him," Blaise mouthed. I nodded and pulled Draco up by his elbows and led him to an alley next to the shop.

"Tell me the truth, Draco. Are you okay?" He looked up at me and his eyes were filled with pain.

"It was my mother's birthday today," he said softly.

"Oh, Draco," I said. He looked so sad, leaning up against the wall of the alley that I did the only thing I could think of. I approached him and wrapped my arms around his stomach, resting my head on his chest. He stiffened, but after a few seconds, he wrapped his arms around me and relaxed into the hug. I felt him shaking and he pulled back, wiping his tears.

"It's okay to cry, Draco," I said. "Just let it out."

"My father taught me not to, he said it's a sign of weakness. He said that Malfoys don't cry," Draco said. His voice was wobbly.

"It's okay to cry, Draco," I assured him. "It's not a sign of weakness." I walked forward and wrapped my arms around him again, and this time his arms went around me immediately and I could feel him shaking again. We stood there for a while, him crying on me while I was holding him up. Suddenly we heard footsteps approaching and I looked up to see Harry, Hermione, and Ron approaching.

"Get off of her, Malfoy!" Harry said, shoving Draco which in turn caused me to fall. Harry shoved Draco again, pushing him into the wall. "What, are you trying to take advantage of her in a dark alley?" Harry asked, getting as close to Malfoy's face as he could.

"Harry, no, I led him here to talk to him," I said, getting up off the ground.

"Quiet, Dani, I'm talking to Malfoy here," Harry said, then he turned back to Draco. "Now, Draco, did you lead her here to take advantage of her?" Harry was getting in Draco's face, and they were almost nose-to-nose. I walked up to Harry, pulling him away from Draco and standing in between them facing Harry.

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