Christmas Morning- Grayson Dolan

Start from the beginning

You're close to the finish line baby
So let's do this quick

4) Noelle's first birthday party

Good luck!
Grayson <3

Oh we had Noelle's 1st birthday at a paint studio, I drive there and see dad and Noelle inside finger painting.

Y/n- Hey dad Merry Christmas!
I say and hug him
Dad- hey princess Merry Christmas!
Y/n- What are you guys doing?
Dad- Noelle wanted to paint and well we are at a paint studio
he says and we laugh, Noelle notices me and starts running towards me
Noelle- Mommy!
Y/n- Not so fast princess... Wash your hands
she sighs and goes to wash her hands,
she dries them and runs towards me again,I catch her.

Y/n- That's better! I say and kiss her cheek
Noelle- Mama where is daddy?
Y/n- It's a secret
Noelle- oh ok
Y/n- When we go back home we will make cookies with daddy... You like that?
Noelle- Yaaas!
she says and nods her head, she learnt
"Yass" from Larray.
Y/n-  hahaha ok.... Mommy has to go so give me a kiss
she kisses me and hugs me
Noelle- I love you mommy
Y/n- I love you more monkey

I say and kiss her cheek, I put her down and dad gives me the 4th note. I
thank him and hug him and leave.

I go inside my car and open the note,


Clue no5

5) Where we met for the first time

Good luck!
Grayson <3

The beach! I drive off to the beach and look around and see Ethan waving. I run up to him say "Merry Christmas" and hug him

Ethan- Here is your last clue Y/n
Y/n- Thanks Eth
Ethan- No problem see yah!

He says and leaves, I wave at him as he leaves. I go inside my car and read the note,

You're done love! Good job princess! I want you to go home and
Emma, Larray, Issa, Brady and your sister are there. Just listen to them

Love you baby!
Grayson <3

I can't say how excited I am, I drive back home as fast as I can. I park the car on the driveway and see Emma, Larray, Issa, Brady and my sister Olivia.

Y/n- hey!
All of the-Hey!
Olivia- Put on this blindfold
Y/n- What's gonna happen?
Emma- It's a surprise
Issa- ok hold my hand
I hold Issa's hand
Issa- Just follow me
Y/n- Ok
Brady- How was the hunt?
Y/n- It was fun!
Larray- Issa I think you're supposed to go there
Larray- ummm yes bitch
Issa- No!
Larray- Bitch
Y/n- bitch Stop fighting I wanna find my presents and see Grayson
Olivia--Issa go there
Issa- Kk

We continue walking around the house until we finally stop

Emma- just stand there
Y/n- Mkay

I can hear them walking away, I stand
there and just wait. I feel someone touch my shoulder

Y/n- Hello?
Grayson- Hey babe
he says and kisses me
Y/n- Gray?
Grayson- Yup
Y/n- What are we gonna do?
Grayson- Hold my hand
Y/n- Ok

I hold his hand and we walk inside the living room, I know it's the living room cause I can smell the Christmas candles I had there.

Grayson let's go of my hand,

Grayson- Take off your blindfold
Y/n- Finally... Ooh I'm nervous
I say and sigh and take off my blindfold.

Omg! I see all of my friends and family in front of me, Grayson hands me a box with a bow on top of it

Grayson-Open it!

I open the box, the sides opened and there were pictures of the best memories I had since I was born.
I kept on opening the box until the last one, there was a locket and it had a picture of Noelle and Grayson.

Y/n- Grayson... You are unbelievable!
Grayson-You're welcome princess
Y/n- This is the best gift I have ever received well after Noelle
Grayson- Of course

I run to him and hug him and kiss him, he picks up Noelle and I show her the locket.

Noelle- Hey that's me!
Y/n- Yes baby that's you and that's daddy
Noelle- it's beautiful
Issa- I know I am
Noelle- Who said that? Issa not even Harambe thinks your beautiful
Larray- Pfff... Ahahaha I taught her that
Issa- Bitch that hurts!
Noelle- I'm kidding Issa
she says and blows him a kiss
Dad- Ok guys present time!
Noelle- Yay!

Grayson puts her down and they open their presents, I sit on the couch next to Grayson.

Grayson-I love you Y/n
Y/n- I love you too Grayson!
I say and kiss him.

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