4 ° deal?

1.1K 43 40

PoV Leyla

After a few minutes Redd came back fully dressed. His hair was still a bit wet but at least he was now wearing clothes.

"So cousin, what can I do for you?" He folded his hands and grinned at me again. "I talked with our museum director and showed him the painting and he suggested that I could get more paintings so that we could add a new section to the museum. That would be a big plus in terms of island rating. That is why I am here. Would it be possible that you could sell me more paintings?" I explained.

At first he looked surprised but quickly catched his thoughts and his eyes started to streak and he clapped his hands happily. "Of course! But for today I only have these 3 paintings and one statue with me. I could come here three times a week and bring more!" He suggested.

"That would be perfect! How much should I give you for everything here?" I took out my wallet. "Hmm, let me think about it, my cousin.." He looked at the ceiling and considering. "20,000 bells!" I swallowed.

That is not a small amount, but it's worth it! After all, our island should be the best ever. I paid and he said he would send it to me.

"Tell me, where do you live? After all, I want you to come here multiply times a week. I hope the way is not too far." He turned his cheeky grin into an embarrassed one and he scratches the back of this head.

"Well, actually I live here on the boat. I have everything I need here! I eat other there."  He points to the table on my right. "And I sleep and shower behind the door."

"I don't live on an island but travel from island to island so i can keep myself alive. That's why I'm so happy that I have a firm partnership now with you cousin!"

However, I looked outraged. "You don't have a permanent home and live on this boat?" He nodded a bit irritated and the smile faded. Apparently he couldn't understand why I am so outraged and surprised.

"That is terrible! You don't have a place to come back after all your work is done and feel at home because you live at work! You probably don't even have a real bed to sleep on! I hardly think there is a big cozy bed behind there!" I pointed at the door.

"When was the last time you ate something decent? As it looks, you mainly eat ramen! When was the last time you ate a fresh fruit like an apple? I'm sorry Redd but this is horrible!" I finished my speech with a worried look.

He looked at me in surprise. I saw small tears forming in his eyes, which he blinked away immediately.

"My boat is enough for me and in general, there is no island that could come to my mind on which I would built my house on. I'm always busy and would never be at home. And I have no need to spend my hard earned money on a house just so I'll never be there!" He crossed his arms and looked away.

He was kind of right.. If he now also has us as a partner and has to come here often in a we- wait a minute!

"What do you think about moving on my island? You have to come here several times a week anyway and you are most likely not just 10 minutes here. Then why don't you move here? My boss will make you a good offer for your own small tent which you will find as a house in a few days! You can eat fresh fruits every day and have nice neighbors!"

"Then we can listen to the K.K. concert together and collect shells on the beach! We can visit each other as often as we want!"

Sure, I wanted to make the Island look as good as possible for Redd but also to free him from this boat! Every sentence I just said was honest. I don't think Redd is as bad as Mr. Nook said. I don't think Redd is a bad person at all. Probably grew up with the wrong people.

He looked even more surprised than before. He seemed embarrassed and looked at me with shiny eyes. "Wait, yo-you would let me move to your island? I- eh.." He started to stutter. "Sure! Everyone is welcome here!"


After Redd thanked me a lot, we are now on the way to the town hall. "This is my house over there and that is Pecks." I told him. He nodded and listened.

"Here is the museum and the town hall is around the corner. Mr. Tom Nook is a bit skeptical about you because he knows you from the past, but don't worry about it. He'll be fine." Of course, I mentioned the name like that. Wanted to see his reaction and letting him know who's about to stand infront of him.

We walked around the corner. "W-wait! THE Tom Nook?! I think I have an appointment Leyla! I have to go quickly!" He was already about to turn, but I grabbed him by the wrist and pulled him with me.

"Don't be like this, you'll get along! You two just have to talk about it!" He tried to tear himself away, but I didn't let that happen.

Yes I know Redd hurt Tom very much in the past but I saw exactly how much Tom actually missed Redd. When he told us about his past, he told us how devastated he was when Redd was just gone. How sad he was and that he cried for weeks until his sadness turned to anger.


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What Redd is wearing after getting dressed (only the clothes)

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What Redd is wearing after getting dressed (only the clothes)

Look at his little empty ramen bowls QwQ

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Look at his little empty ramen bowls QwQ

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