3 ° Is it real?

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PoV Leyla

In Museum I was greeted by a sleeping Blathers. He's quite a night owl. Reads books all night or watches docos about different animals or fossils. And precisely because he is so interested in it, he is happy to meet me every time hoping to get something new for the museum.

I patted him on the shoulder and he was startled. He looked at me as frightened as ever and then went red. It always happens when we see each other and I have to wake him up.

"O-oh Leyla! I fell asleep again I'm sorry. What can I do for you? Analyze a fossil? Or do you have a new fish? Maybe finally the frog?" He looked at me intently. "No, sadly it is not a frog or a fossil. I have something completely different with me today!" I showed him the painting that I had under my arm. "Uhhh! Is that a painting?" I gave it to him and he startet to looked at it.

"Exactly! I'm just here to ask if you can tell me if it's real or not." I said. "What do you mean? Didn't you buy the picture at an art auction?" - "No, I bought it from a visitor, showed it to Isabel and Mr. Nook. Mr. Nook said it could be fake and Isabel said I should ask you if it's real because you know a lot about paintings. And now I'm here and I need an answer." I rattled off quickly. I just wanted to know quickly if this guy really lied to me or not, because if he really did, he has to get off my island quick!

Blathers seemed a bit surprised by my  words and looked at me overwhelmed. "So I should now tell you if that's real?" He asked again for understanding. I nodded excitedly.

He walked up the stairs to one of the benches there. He put a cloth, which he pulled out of his inside pocket from his jacket, across the bench and carefully placed the painting on top. He took out a magnifying glass and looked at the picture closely. I stood next to him and watched quitely.


After about 20 minutes in which I had sat on the bench on the other site, Blathers finally sat up and looked over at me. "I am finished and can say: This painting is 100% real! There are no signs that the painting is fake!" He happily informed me.

I jumped up. "Very good!" I grabbed the picture and ran down the stairs. "Thank you!" I yelled while I was leaving the museum, but a call stopped me. "H-Hey Leyla, please wait!" Blathers came down the stairs and stuffed the cloth back in his jaket. "I wanted to ask you if you might want to donate the painting to the museum? I could ask Mr. Nook if he is converting the museum for space to hang several paintings. That would be an enrichment for our island! I thought I just ask now because you are the island leader.." He looked at me shyly.

Surprised by the suggestion, the words stayed away. I quickly gathered myself and answered. "First of all I would have to ask Mr. Nook if that's okay for him and also for the seller. After all, we need someone to sell me the paintings, don't we? I'll have a look around and I'll let you know! I personally like your idea very much. I will contact you later!"

He looked at me gratefully and I left the building.

I ran back to the town hall and opened the doors. "The painting is real!" Mr. Nook looked at me speechless. Isabel happily clapped her hands. "T-That can't be.. Sure, I suspected that but that it's for sure real.. i'd never believe that.." Mr. Nook seemed shocked by this news.

"So does that mean he stays on this island?" - "Exactly! And overly Blathers wanted me to ask you something." Mr. Nook listened to me carefully as I presented Blathers plan.

"Now should I dedicate an entire museum compartment to this guy?! Never!" - "Are you still with us or are you already burying Redd? The museum compartment is for p a i n t i n g s." I spelled out. "And not for Redd. This is a big plus for the rating of the island and maybe we will get more visitors at the campsite? You want an island that stands out from the rest, right?" He nodded insightfully.

"So what! I hardly believe that any other island has it's own painting department! So let me talk to Redd about more paintings and then we could do it!" I tried to persuade him. "Well, do that.. But I won't give you a single bell if ​​a painting should be fake! " - "Yes. I'll go find Redd now and bring him here if it comes to that. Bye!" And I started looking for Redd.


"Hey Jay! Did you see a guy with red hair?" I asked our athlete on the island. He was just taking a break on one of the benches. "Red you say? Hmm, I don't think so. I've been out since this morning, but I haven't seen anyone with red hair except Phillipa." He replied drinking from his water bottle. I thanked him and kept walking.

I had searched in every corner of the island now but I couldn't find him anywhere. Kidd didn't see him anywhere the same as Del.. I would say my last option is to drop by his rickety boat. I've already seen it, but I didn't dare to knock. Who knows what's going on in there?

I went down my ladder and saw the boat in front of me. It was old and made a lot of noise. The thing didn't look pretty stable either. I climbed onto the "jetty" from the boat and pushed the tarp aside. I saw a staircase leading down. It was dark in here. I carefully walked down and called once. "Hello?"

At the end of the stairs I saw paintings on metal grids. Fortunately it was a bit brighter inside. I looked around a little further. I saw one large statue of a face out of stone and smiling at me creepily there too.

I looked around further and saw a stool and a seat cushion. They stood on the same pedestal as the paintings and sculpture. I took another step when I heard something rumble. Is he here? Or is it maybe someone else? Am I even allowed to get in here? Maybe I should run up the stairs quickly??

Apparently I thought too long because a door was already opened on the right side of the boat. Fortunately only Redd and no one else came through the door.

Apparently he had showered and just quickly put on a shirt. He was still buttoning it. He only wore underware below. His red hair hung wet in his face. If I were into guys I would have completly melted now but I'm a lesbian.

He spotted me and started grinning. "Well who do we have here?" He came closer to me and let go from the buttons. "Leyla, what are you doing here? Interested in more paintings or a statue?" He leaned back down as he did earlier, and so I took a step back. "Um, yes I am. I wanted to ask you something else too but could you maybe get dressed first?" He looked at me while the grin on his face didn't go away.

"Why? Am I making you blush?" He asks while checking me out. "No, you don't. I would like to discuss business with someone who isn't half-naked in front of me." I said with a cold face. "Oh i understand.. seems like you are from the other side of the river, huh? Well, I'm going to get ready quickly. Give me 10 minutes, cousin."


[1340 words]

next chapter tommorow

(if you know any other tomnook x redd fanfictions please comment them because I am looking for some and find only a few :/ please help me out xd)

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