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I hope you give it a chance and read it to the second chapter, first part always boring but maybe things change after ;-)


The days seem longer than they should.

I looked from the window gazing at the sky; it was still midnight and I slept for just two hours and I already felt anxious.

I've been dreaming a lot lately of every passing memory I wanted to forget. I woke up today sweating and thirsty; I stayed at my bed for a while before realising that the light went off and only the light of the moon kept the room somehow clear.

I live alone for a year now, in a small apartment. I worked hard for owning this place with my money; I had to do it since I wanted to feel independent for the first time in my life. Even if I felt lonely sometimes I loved how the place is calm and everything is put in place. I stood near the window checking the place around, and most of the city had no electricity. It was summer so there was a reason of me sweating so much, so I opened my window breathing the thin air that entered the room.

Another thing I liked about this place is how the air is refreshing to the soul. It helped me feel more calm and steady.

the neighbors also helped me to like the place more. They are nice and not the noisy type, they have been here longer than I did and they were friendly to each other.

They gather every Friday and spend the rest of the evening cooking or playing or just go to one of the near restaurants here .

I sometimes join them when I'm not busy , since I moved to a whole new place I had to make friends and know more people. I moved from London to Sidney, and yes this was a big change in my life. I got a job here that helped me on finding a new home and new environment that made my life better.

The apartment also is not so big but it's comfortable and for the building it contains only four floors and two apartments in each floor.

I was the only one moving around and my fluffy cat .I'm living my dream.

More interesting , I was still enjoying my single life at this building. The rest of my neighbors were married and with kids.

I can't relate.

I meet sometimes their children while I'm in the library, and since I work there, I helpe them on finding what they need and have a little conversation with them.
There is two, Mary and Thomas, they are smart kids and I love to talk with them . They make everything interesting and they always curious about what's happening in the world , they love learning new things. They are not siblings; they live at the third floor. They sometimes come to say hi and have a drink with me, they love playing with my cat and he is happy to see another living person apart from me.

I don't like letting him out , I take him outside when I have time since one time he almost got hit by a car. Mary always wonders about the apartment next to mine, it wasn't empty when I arrived but the kind woman that lived there past away . I met her a lot and we used to sit together , her death was a shock to me and she was like me, alone with no family around here. The apartment now is empty but I hope it stays like that. Since I got used to the beautiful silence , it's the only thing that embraces me in this place.

It was still midnight, and I just thought it's better to read a book, I can't lie as I sometimes recommend reading a book for those having sleeping issues. I don't mean it in a bad way, as I sometimes sleep and end up dreaming about the book and I pretty feel good after I wake up. Except for the ones that are related to studying, you will have nightmares of you missing your exam and going to school wearing nothing .

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