Eighteen- Voicemail

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My father’s family stay in the township, but I never mind the drive to the beach. It’s always the first spot I go to whenever we come here. I prefer it at night because of the quietness. Since we’re in the festive season, the beach gets parked during the day, families and loved ones wanting to chill and relax with each other. I love the sound of the waves, calming and therapeutic if you ask me. I’m not under any stress or anything. Luke has agreed to meet me here and though I’m happy, I can’t help worrying what it’s about. I mean, would he really come all the way because he misses me? but we also haven’t seen each other in a while so maybe I’m reading too much into it. Arriving at the beach, I find a spot where I can park then take off my shoes so I can walk on the sand. I love the feel of it on my feet. There are a few people who’re indulging in alcohol, probably my age or older. I close my eyes and pay attention to the waves, the sound melodic and a bit reviving. Someone holds my waist as my eyes are still closed, allowing the wave’s energy to infiltrate me. I don’t have to guess who it is. He kisses my cheek then turns me so we’re face to face. I can see the sparkle of his blue eyes through the little illumination from cars.
“Hey” he says and I nod. I don’t know if it’s just me but he looks offish. Could something be bothering him? “What’s wrong?”
He’s probably asking because of my voiceless reply. “I should be asking you that,” I say.
He sighs. “Let’s get out of here”
I don’t even ask. We get into my car and after he tells me the hotel he’s staying in, I drive there. I wonder what it is that has him looking like that and why it’s so important that we must drive to his hotel for it. Why couldn’t he tell me right there? Anyway, I follow him inside, right to his suite.
“Drink?” he asks, already walking towards the coffee table which has two whisky glasses with the accompanying whiskey jar. He doesn’t wait for me to reply as he pours two shots in each glass then hands one to me. he gulps the contents of his glass and pours a double again.
“What’s going on?” he asks, and I scrunch my face.
“You should be telling me,” I state, and he points to the couch and I sit like I’ve been waiting for the command. How submissive, sarcasm intended.
“You know I love you, right?” he says while sitting on the coffee table facing me. I don’t like how this conversation is starting.
“Just get to the point. I don’t need you sugarcoating shit for me Luke. I’m not a child,” I say because I can see where it’s headed. I’m getting mad because I know that line very well.
“Will you fucken let me finish?!” he shouts. What the hell?
“You don’t get to fucken shout at me!” I bellow back so we’re left staring at each other. I don’t get to back down so it’s brown orbs on blue and no one seems to want to back down first. I’m so pissed now that the daggers he’s throwing at me don’t intimidate me. I love him but he has no right to be shouting at me.
“Please calm down,” he softly says and that softness has me curving. He holds my hands. “I’m not breaking up with you.”
“You’re not?” I ask in clear shock.
“No but I don’t have good news either, not for our relationship.” He says.
“What?” I ask, my voice coming out a bit cracked.
“Gina’s pregnant with my baby”
It takes a moment for that to register. I get pregnant but with his baby? He sounds sure and I know now that this relationship is doomed before it has even begun. I didn’t see the honeymoon phase fading this fast, that’s for sure.
“I don’t understand,” I say with a shaky voice. Did he cheat on me? I mean I’m not doubting him but how is this possible?
“she didn’t know either until some time back and I’ve recently learned this. you’re the first person I’ve told,” he says, and I guess I should be feeling special, ha ha.
“I…I have to go,” I say whilst standing.
“Lunga,” Luke calls before I even take a step.
“I need space Luke. I need to think,” I say but the thoughts are already spiralling in my mind. I’m thinking of how long they’d been together and what they shared before I came. I’m wondering about what this means for me because these two are going to be spending time together. Him having a child with her means she’s tied to him forever so where does it put me?
He pulls me into his arms and smashes his lips on mine. The impulsive action has me gasping which leads to him deepening the kiss, his tongue invading my mouth and swirling and tossing with mine. I let him have the dominance and in this heated kiss, I can’t help the tears which cloud my eyes. Am I losing him? He breaks it then plants a long one on my head. I look at him one more time before leaving. I need a drink. No, scratch that. I need a couple of drinks because this hell can’t be faced when I’m sober.


I only let him leave because I know he needs the space. He’s the first person who crossed my mind when Gina told me and the last thing I’d wanted was to hurt him like this. I know it’s painful because now Gina will always be in my life and I’ll obviously want to be there for my child. I’m not the kind of guys who want to pump money instead of really being there for their kids. Sure, I never imagined this nor did I kids especially with Gina but it’s happened so the least I can do is move on with it. I know nothing is going to happen to him since he’s protected but he doesn’t know that. this thing with Gina is one I’m trying to digest. I mean I saw the sonar pictures and video, heard the heartbeat but before that, my doctor confirmed. I know Gina so I know she’s loyal and wouldn’t deceive me. heck, she knows what the repercussions of that will be. It’s still frustrating though and when I had to leave, she started crying and all that. I had to choose between her and Lunga but the choice is obvious. All I hope Is Lunga and I get through this and we don’t end up being broken by this. A baby is a blessing, right? My phone rings and it’s Gina.
It's late now, around 11pm and I can only relax now because Lunga is home.
“Gina,” I answer. She sobs, “Gina?”
“I’m sorry for ruining your life,” she bristly says. Really?
“You shouldn’t stress. It’s not good for the baby Gina,” I scold.
“I didn’t tell you so I can trap you. I just…felt bad for keeping it from you. I was freaking out and-”
“Relax, we’ll do this together but you have to keep in mind that Lunga will be part of my baby’s life. You and I are just co-parents,”
“I know. I just…wanted you to know I didn’t mean to cause trouble,”
“I know, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say then hung up. I pour myself a glass of whisky then decide to try Lunga’s phone. It goes straight to voicemail and I know I’m fucked. I don’t want to leave without seeing him but then I also have to give him some space, right? I send a text to Gina to let her know I won’t be coming back. Hopefully he’ll be more calm tomorrow and we’ll get to spend some time together.

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