Chapter 2

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Loki was sat in a room-that should really be referred to as a prison if you ask him staring at the wall in front of him, his back to the door that was the only way out of this room. His mind was feeling much better than it did when he was under Thanos's influence which was a good thing considering Odin would be hearing him today. Everything will be alright. He told himself again and again every time his confidence would waver about what was to happen to him.

He knows I was under the influence of the mad titan.

Even while reasoning with himself a part of him still didn't believe his own words. The part that was always neglected by Odin, the part that lost the throne to Thor because of his parentage. Odin hated him and he knew that. Should he run away then? Even if he wanted to he couldn't- his magic didn't work in the room. Mother's not going to let anything happen to me. Yes he knew his mother loved him. Or did she? Was her love also a part of an act like his father's had been?

"Shut up." He whispered to himself, his voice on the verge of breaking down. And he would have too- broken down, if it weren't for the sound of the door opening and closing behind. He got up from the bed and turned around at once to see who it was. He had expected to see some guard with food in their hands but was surprised to see her. (Y/N).

"What are you doing here?" Loki asked moving towards her.

"We don't have a lot of time." She said not really paying attention as she set a tray of food down on an ottoman nearby. "I'm here to break you out."

"You're here to break me out?" He asked skeptically.

"You can thank me later."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Loki scoffed.

"Listen we don't have time for this." She said as she moved to stand near him before pulling a necklace off from around her neck. "Wear this. Now."

"(Y/N) you don't have to break me out." Loki said moving his hands to her arms holding them and stopping them from moving. "I'm not a prisoner."

"Are you sure? Because there are about four of my men waiting with chains in the corridor to take you to Odin." She sounded urgent and worried and Loki believed every single one of her words. Of course he was a prisoner here but he couldn't let himself believe that.

"Why would you want to help me? You're Asgard's general, your loyalty lies with the throne?"

"Commander now actually." She replied and the little pride in her voice didn't slip past Loki. He just rolled his eyes at her- he gathered if she were to be caught here trying to help him she'd get in a lot of trouble, yet she still couldn't stop boasting.

"And yes I did pledge my loyalty to the throne but you saved my life." She said her voice earnest. "I owe it to you to help you out. And you may believe you're not a prisoner here but I know you are. You need to run." Her eyes were looking into his and she nodded at him urging him to listen to her.

He did listen to her and he did believe her. But he couldn't run. "This is my home (Y/N). Odin's wrath would melt for his son." His words were empty to him. Odin hated him, Loki knew that much but he still couldn't let himself believe that.

"Do you really have faith in what you're saying?" She asked him.

"I have to." He said looking up at her his eyes starting to tear up. Though he still tried to keep his face rigid and cool even if his eyes were giving away all the fear and frustration he was feeling. (Y/N) gave him a sad look. He didn't let himself break down- he couldn't let himself be seen as weak.

"It's not safe for you here. Trust me." She said still trying desperately to get him to agree with her. Loki wanted to kick himself for not letting her break him out but he couldn't- he had to believe Odin didn't hate him and that he wouldn't do anything that wasn't in Loki's best interest. He needed to believe he was still an Odinson.

"You should go; Heimdall can probably see you right now." Loki said as he stepped away from her. He tried to keep his voice devoid of emotion- he had already let her see his vulnerability. She had to leave.

"He can't." She said shaking her head and holding the necklace up. "It's a charm. It can keep me cloaked even from Heimdall. He sees what I want him to see and right now he is seeing nothing more than the Commander standing guard outside your door. So again, I'm begging- you come with me."

"That necklace must have cost you a fortune." Loki commented ignoring the part of her speech that was asking him to leave with her.

"That's not important right now!" She said as she clenched her hands around the jewelry in frustration.

"How could you afford it?"

She gave him an incredulous sigh and he just gave her a shrug in return his mouth turning up into his infamous smirk. "I sold my mother's Dragonfang." She said not looking him in the eye.

"You did what?"

"Listen it doesn't matter okay?" She said and her tone was starting to turn into that of anger now. "It was gathering dust sitting under the floorboard of my room anyways. I didn't have any use for it not to mention it was incredibly stupid of me to hold on to it for all this time. If anyone would have found it I would have a lot of questions the answer to which I couldn't give."

"But this necklace," She said moving her hand to grab one of his. "This necklace can help me get you out of here, so stop being a pompous ass your highness and come with me if you want to live."

"I told you I can't leave." Loki replied plainly ignoring her rather offending words. He was more conflicted right now than he had ever been in his entire life. He wanted to leave with her but he couldn't- he had to stay. He had to believe he was safe here in his home.

"Besides why are you so persistent about helping me?" He said through his gritted teeth. He didn't like being conflicted and she was the reason he was exactly that right now. He didn't need her help and she was a fool to offer it in the first place.

"Because I owe you my life!" She yelled. "And I don't like being in anyone's debt." Her anger seemed to have reached its crossing point now but Loki couldn't be bothered to feel even a little bad about it. She should have known better than to offer him her help.

"You helped me and now I'm helping you. I understand that you have to trust your family but I can assure you it's not a wise thing to do. You may think you can trust Odin to treat you like he treated Thor when he attacked Jotunheim but you know he won't. Why can't you see that I'm trying to help you?"

Her words had hit Loki's deepest insecurities and he was not only angry at her but he was also pained. Pained because he knew what she was saying was the truth- but the stupid boy in him that still just wanted to please his father would not let him believe that.

"How dare you speak to me like that?"

"Loki you know I'm right." Her voice was full of desperation now. Loki could hear someone approaching the door and he was sure (Y/N) could too. "You're not the same as Thor in Odin's eyes. He would have never let him fall to his death from the Bifrost like he let you."

"You should leave." He whispered out trying to maintain a calm and collected voice when really her words had been like knives to him. She was correct and Loki was too much of a fool to admit that.

The sounds of the footsteps became louder and it seemed (Y/N) had realized she couldn't change Loki's decision to stay. She gave him a last glance before she walked up to the door and swung it open.

"I'm sorry you're' too stubborn to tell me help you." She said in a low voice before she shut the door behind her and left him alone in his prison. 

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