Chapter 4

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Let's get up to speed with Yugioh 5D's

"I'm going to crush you!" Neo said, "No you won't!" I said as I equipped my duel disk, "We'll just see about that. Not only do I have a new deck, but I have a new duel disk too!" He said as he equipped his new duel disk.

 Not only do I have a new deck, but I have a new duel disk too!" He said as he equipped his new duel disk

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"DUEL!" We shouted.

(y/n) POV

"I'll go first! And to start I'll reveal my Blue-Eyes to summon my Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon! Next, I'll play two face downs and end there." I said as I ended my turn.

Yusei POV

"Impressive, that was pretty advanced for someone with his record." Kalin said, "Actually the only reason why his record is that bad is because Akiza wouldn't let him train with Crow or Jack, and she wouldn't hin use a better deck. Not to mention the fact that his limiter suppresses his psychic abilities, that alone creates immense psychological strain making dueling incredibly difficult. I'd be willing to bet that even with his old deck he could've easily beaten Sky." I said, "Who's Sky?" Kalin said, "She's Jack's daughter and the top duelist in their class! Pay attention for once!" Misty said, "Honey." Akiza said, "I know but we have to let this happen." I said as I zoomed in on (y/n)'s wrist and watched his limiter began to crack.

(y/n) POV

"My turn. And to start I think I'll play my Card Destruction spell card and send both of our hands to the grave and then we draw the same number of cards as we discarded." Neo said as he sent five cards to the graveyard and drew five new cards, 'Crap I was hoping to save these for later!' I thought as I discarded my White Stone of the Ancients and White Stone of Legend and drew two new cards, 'Ancient Rules and Maiden with Eyes of Blue. I can work with these.' I thought, "Thanks, you activated my White Stone of Legend's effect allowing me to add a Blue Eyes to my hand!" I said as I added a Blue Eyes to my hand and re-shuffled my deck, "It doesn't matter, because I play the spell card Malefic Territory! This lets me play my Malefic World field spell from my deck. Next, I'll play my Malefic Divide spell card and summon one Malefic monster from my graveyard. NOW COME FORTH MALEFIC BLUE EYES WHITE DRAGON!" Neo said, "B...But that's my card!" I said in shock, "I know, what better way to put you in your place than with your own monster!" He said, "Now attack Malefic Lightning attack!" He said, "I ACTIVATE MY TRAP CARD! NEGATE ATTACK!" I said, "Fine you may live for now, but I'll play the spell Cup of Ace. I flip a coin and if it lands on heads than I draw two cards and if it's tails than you draw two cards instead." He said as he flipped a coin. "Looks like I lost this time. You get two cards." He said as I drew two cards, "Now that it's the end phase my White Sone of the Ancient's effect finally activates! Now come on out Dragon Spirit of White!" I said as I special summoned my monster, "NOW I'LL DRAW!" I said as I drew a card suddenly the bracelet Dad gave me shattered. The air felt dense and heavy.

Yusei POV

"It finally broke. I'm surprised it held out this long." I said, "Yusei!" Akiza said, "Don't you dare interfere!" Kalin said, "This is good for Neo. After all, he needs to see his rival's true strength so he, in turn, can grow." He said, "Kalin you don't get it! (y/n) can't control himself when his limiter is off!" Akiza said, "When he was a month old he could move objects with his mind, and when he was two I took him to the lab so he could watch the tesla coils. Long story short one misfired and he was almost hit by lightning, but he was able to deflect it." I said, "We think that he's, at the very least, ten times more powerful than I was at his age." Akiza said as I turned on the speakers. "What happened to you, why does the air feel so heavy?!" Neo said, "I don't know exactly what this is, but every time it happens, Mama gets sad and a few minutes later everything gets fuzzy. Dad says that when this happens I had an "accident" and that everything would be alright. But Mama still looked sad. So I'll end this quickly so that way Mama won't have to be sad!" (y/n) said, "Oh (y/n)." Akiza said, "NOW TO SHOW YOU THE RESULTS OF MY FATHER'S RESEARCH!" (y/n) said.

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