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Cowboy quickly spots the large animal and starts growling. This is a clear sign that this is serious, Cowboy typically doesn't growl at things.

I need my binoculars, I just hope that they're still in my truck. I struggle to the ground, and hurry over to the truck door.

After some more struggling I get my binoculars and I'm back on the tailgate. I put the binoculars to my eyes and search for the creature.

It's getting dark though, my visibility ain't worth shit now. "I'm sure it'll be back in the daylight." I sigh as I pet Cowboy's head.

If that creature is lurking around out here, we should go back to the house.

I slide off the tailgate, and Cowboy follows. My marine training has me on constant alert for that beast. I quickly grab my bag of supplies and head for the house.

With the binoculars around my neck, I enter the house. I walk past my parents and that idiot eating supper, not bothering to stop to grab a bite.

As I walk up the stairs I hear my mom say something. "Storm, be careful when you are out at night. Something big's been killing farmer's cattle."

"Yes ma'am." I reply before continuing to hobble up the stairs to my room.

I walk a few paces down the hall, then I see my bedroom door. It's covered in childish posters, reminding me of a long time ago.

I have an overwhelming urge to rip them all down, but I don't. I enter my room and shut the door, making sure to lock it.

I flick the light on, and the bright colors startle me. Someone repainted my bedroom walls bright fucking pink!

"What the hell?" I mumble as I put my bag next to my bed. I take the binoculars off and set them next to the bag.

I take my 9mm out of my bag and slip it under my pillow. You never know when you'll need it.

I take the knives out of my pants and put them in my bag. I always have a knife in my boot, so that's taken out.

Next I take my shirt and bra off and put them in my bag, I walk over to my dresser and grab a night shirt. It's a bit big on me, proving that I lost some weight.

I sit down on my bed, take my boots off, and then I start taking my prosthetic off.

Once it's off, I'm outta my pants and underwear, and in my old sweatpants

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Once it's off, I'm outta my pants and underwear, and in my old sweatpants. They too, are a bit too big.

Crap, I forgot to shut the light off before I took my leg off. Well this can go one of two ways, I put my leg back on, or I can jump on one foot.

Jumping on one foot sounds more fun, so that's what I do.

Once I'm back on the bed, I snuggle under the covers and invite Cowboy up.

I say a prayer, asking God to protect all of the men and women overseas, then I quickly fall asleep.

My dream.

I am sitting in an old oak tree, in the middle of the forest. The moonlight flitting through the trees, giving everything a sort of whimsical feeling.

I watch with concern as the tree I'm in starts to shake. I didn't have a chance to brace myself before I'm on the ground.

"You again?" I ask as I stare at the wolf that's been in every one of my dreams since I joined the marines. It just stands there, watching my every move.

At first it scowls at me, like it disapproved of something. Then it's expression changes to some unreadable expression.

Tired of the strange wolf, I turn to my left, and walk towards a pond. I hear the snapping of branches behind me, meaning the wolf is following me.

The moonlight hitting the water nearly blinds me. I reach for my hat, but it's not there. So I just shield my eyes from the bright water with my arm.

I take a step forward and slip, I brace myself for impact with the ground. But it never happens, instead I land on something fluffy.

I push myself back up, and there is the wolf. "Thanks." I smile at it. It just looks at me with cold eyes, then it runs off.

As soon as it was gone, war breaks out. IEDS go off, shattering the whimsical feeling of the forest, sending bits off trees everywhere.

Bullets go flying past me, and the forest changes to Afghanistan. My worst day of life replays right in front of my eyes.

End of my dream.

I wake up in a cold sweat. That was horrible, and it always happens. I will never forget that day, the day I lost my leg.

My heart rate is beating wildly, so I reach for Cowboy. He's sort of like my comfort dog.

I run my fingers over his head, and I instantly feel calm and safe.

I look towards the window, and spot the sun. It's just starting to rise, at training, we were up before the sun.

I grab my bag and select clothing for the day. A red t-shirt and a pair of jeans. I slip on my undergarments, then my leg. Once those are on I get my clothes and my boots on.

My one and only belt is buckled, and then I realize I need my gun holster. So my belts unbuckled, the gun holster is put on, my 9mm is taken out from under my pillow, put in the holster, and my belts rebuckled.

My knives are stuck in my boot and jean pockets and I grin it the mirror. I'm not looking too bad.

Cowboy whines at me, crap, I forgot to let him out. I quickly open the bedroom door and we rush down the stairs.

My boots make a loud clomping sound as they make contact with the kitchen floor, most likely waking the whole house.

As soon as the front door is open, Cowboy makes a beeline for mom's flowerpots. I'm definitely not sniffing them till after it rains or never, either or.

It doesn't take long for my beloved dog to finish going potty. I smile as he runs up to me, God I love this dog.

The sun is just getting over the trees when I spot it. The creature.

Wait no, nevermind that was just a shadow.

"Well Cowboy, it's time we eat something then go look for work." I sigh. I really don't want to go into town, cause for all I know, I could run into them.

Who is them you ask? They are the one's who say anyone who goes into service to protect this country is an idiot.

And for that reason I do not want to run into any of them. Because if I do, it's gonna end badly.

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