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"Put your hands up. Any sudden movements and I'll shoot you." Grandpa orders. Wilder does as instructed and gives me a confused look.

"Now take three steps back and lay on your stomach with your hands on your head." Again Wilder does as instructed.

"Are you okay Storm? This bastard hasn't hurt you at all has he?" Grandpa asks with concern. "I'm okay, though I'd prefer if you didn't shoot him."

"That depends, where have you been and why haven't you answered your phone?! I've been worried sick."

"Well I got attacked-" "By him?! You bastard!" Grandpa gestures to Wilder with his gun. "Not by him. He saved me." "Oh."

"He took me back to recover at his house." Grandpa's eyes narrow. "Is what attacked you dead?" "Throat ripped out."

"I like you. Get up, I'm not going to shoot you." Grandpa holsters his gun and Wilder stands up. He dusts dirt off of himself before leaning against the truck, not far from me.

"Where's your leg?" Grandpa asks once he's closer to us. "Used it to bash that cocksucker's head in." I grin. "And you were tall enough to do that?" He teases. Wilder shoots me a confused look and I shrug.

"But now why didn't you call me?" "Honestly, all I was thinking about is how much I hurt. This hurt more than the IED." I explain. "I'm sorry."

"Now son, how did you rip someone's throat out?" Grandpa looks from me to Wilder. "I didn't do it, my alpha did." He admits.

"Alpha? What are you talking about?" He looks completely confused. "I'm a werewolf." What the fuck? You can't just say that! Grandpa's old, you have to ease him into shocking things otherwise he might lose it.

"Alright Storm, let's get you away from this delusional man." He gestures towards the cabin. "He's not delusional, he's telling the truth." I defend.

"Mhm hmm, and I'm a dinosaur wizard. Now please Storm, just come with me." I don't get the chance to reply before the sound of bones breaking fills the air. Oh God, why did Wilder have to act like this?

Grandpa's face goes pale and he takes a stumbly step backwards. His eyes go wide and he falls backwards, clutching at his chest.

In a flash I'm hopping to him. "Grandpa no! Grandpa no!" I scream. "Quick, call 911!" I scream at Wilder as I fall to Grandpa's side.

Some Gut Wrenching Time Later

"Why did you do that? You really had to shift?" I ask Wilder as he paces back and forth on the deck. "I wasn't thinking." Obviously!

"I guess I just wanted to prove myself to your family. I'm sorry." "I swear to God Wilder, if he dies, I'm skinning you alive and tacking your fucking hide to the wall." I threaten him.

He hangs his head lower and continues pacing. "Besides, why do you want to prove yourself to my family?" He stops pacing and looks at me.

"When a werewolf finds his mate, he HAS to prove himself to his mate's family. Really show he's worthy of his mate." And giving my Grandpa a heart attack really shows that. But I don't say that, I know he feels really bad.

"Don't EVER go around saying your a werewolf and then shifting to prove it." "I'm sorry."

"Wilder, I mean this in the nicest way possible. Get the fuck off my deck and leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now. I don't want to blow up on you." He gives me a sad nod before leaping off my deck and shifting midair.

Once at the bushes, he looks over his shoulder at me. We keep eye contact for a few seconds before he vanishes.

With him gone I finally break down and cry. I cry for Cowboy, I cry for Grandpa, and I cry for what should've been.

(Short chapter I know. But on a better note, your_mother_house made fan art of Storm and I'm sharing it with you.)


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