Matthew stuffed his hands in his pockets to hide how much they were trembling. Nervously, he exited the lift doors and into the top floor of the office building; his father's old office.

Oscar had remained in his office, out of respect for his late superior, but Matthew had made the difficult decision to take over his father's. He would've wanted that. At least, Matthew thought he would've.

The office had glass all around, and drapes ready to be lowered if needed. Matthew's new desk itself was empty. All his father's sparse decorations had been moved into a storage unit, with the rest of their things, while Matthew sold their current mansion and got another house.

He knew that neither he nor James wanted to live in the building where their parents had been so ruthlessly killed.

Matthew stared blankly into the office. He didn't feel like it was his. Everything was so...empty.

His gaze drifted to the vacant walls. Matthew made a silence promise to himself to hang up some pictures; of James, Elizabeth, Ethan, Frederick, Maya, Daphne, Lola, and his parents.

His mouth twitched as Matthew suppressed a smile.

The intercom buzzed. "There's someone here for you," his new PA, Diya, who was also Lola's new girlfriend, informed him. Matthew felt his shoulders relax at the familiar voice.

He knew who it was. "Okay, you can let her in."

Matthew sat on the edge of his desk as Daphne pushed the door open tentatively. "Mr Campbell, sir?" Daphne said, a mix of envy and taunting. It was all in good nature, Matthew knew.

"Please, don't," Matthew grumbled, shuddering. Mr Campbell was his father. He was just...Matthew.

"So," Daphne leaned against the doorway expectantly. "You texted me. I'm here. Are you going to gloat?"

"Gloat?" he echoed in disbelief. "No, Daphne, I'm too terrified to gloat right now."

Daphne arched an eyebrow. "Admitting fear? Not so good for business."

"Again, please, don't," Matthew sighed tiredly. "This is...a lot to take in. I need my friends."

She brushed her hair behind her shoulder with a guilt look. "Sorry," she murmured. "It's know this is my dream. You got it so easily."

"I know. It's unfair," Matthew said truthfully.  "But, it's also kind of why I called you in." Taking a deep breath,  Matthew continued, "Clarke died in the attack. He was the Chief Financial Officer."

"I think you should promote Renwick," Daphne said with a nod. "His team's numbers are climbing and I know for a fact that his budgeting is good. My dad always—"

"I want to appoint you," Matthew interrupted abruptly.

Her brown eyes widened in astonishment. "Wh-what?"

"You're a finance graduate at Dartmouth," Matthew said with a shrug. "Your qualifications alone make you good for the role." He paused. "And I know you. I know you'd be good in this role."

Matthew grinned. He had never seen Daphne this happy before, and he could already see the gears turning in her head.

"Of course, don't take this lightly," Matthew warned. "I will have to fire you if you don't live up to expectations." Even as he said it, Matthew knew it was a light threat. Daphne always exceeded his expectations.

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