#11 - The Accident

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Chapter 11 - The Accident
published: Wednesday, 6 May 2020





Four beeps. Matthew counted them until he could muster up the energy to open his eyes.


Matthew started at the white ceiling and matching lights. Turning his head over to the right, Matthew frowned when he saw the monitor.


The graph with peaks and jagged waves greatly resembled a heartbeat.

What the hell...

As Matthew tried to move, an aching groan escaped his lips. Pain shot through his limbs as he tried to sit up, every single muscle in his body sore.


"Oh, you're awake."

Matthew glanced up. His father stood in the doorway, arms crossed and expression stern - as always.

The sheer disdain in his father's voice told him that he wasn't at all glad that he woke up.

As Matthew struggled into a sitting position and scanned the room, he realised that he was in a hospital room.

"You passed out at Jared's party," his father said, voice unsettlingly calm. "An almost lethal overdose on methamphetamine and alcohol."

Matthew cowered under his father's glowering stance.

"What," his father snapped. "Were you thinking?"

Matthew rubbed his head. "That I had to keep Jared happy," he said bitterly.

His father's gaze soured. "Do not turn this on me. Do not try to blame this-this addiction," he spat. "On me."

Matthew bit down on every insolent remark he could think off, drawing blood in his lower lip. The pain cut through his hazy thoughts.

"And definitely do not throw around ideas like that," his father hissed menacingly. "Do you know the lengths I had to go to to cover this up? I can't have you going around destroying our family name and reputation."

"It was Jared's party," Matthew repeated through gritted teeth. He ungracefully ripped out the IV connected to his arm, wincing at the pang.

"I know." That surprised him. That was probably the first time his father had ever agreed with him. "Jared's father came by this morning to request that we...hush up last night's events." Possibly the closest thing to a pleasant expression crossed his face. "He has allowed me to proceed with some business plans he was previously against."

Matthew felt like he was about to throw up.

He had nearly died to please his father. 'An almost fatal overdose'. And he'd turned it into a business opportunity.

"I'm leaving," Matthew said shortly, swinging his legs out of bed. Whatever they'd been giving him in the IV had to be working, since he felt like himself again.

Except that he was craving another hit.

Everything Matthew had been trying to avoid crushed him. What was he even going to say to his friends? He'd told them he'd at least try to stay sober, and he'd fallen off the wagon in less than 12 hours.

His parents didn't even care that he'd almost died.

His eyes darted in all directions. It was evening already. His mouth salivated with the idea of another drink, another high.

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