#25 - Legacy

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Chapter 25 - Legacy
published: Wednesday, 13 May 2020

"...and I'm proud to introduce to you — the class of 2019!"

The words echoed in Matthew's mind as he stood in front of the skyscraper. Cheers had erupted from the crowd once the headmistress announced their graduation.

Three years of studying had led up to this day. Toiling away for exams, burying his head in books — all for this.

Matthew stared at the revolving doors. People were waiting inside expectantly, interviewers from magazines ready to snap his picture and ask or statements once he crossed the threshold.

The bold words "Campbell Incorporated" were displayed on the top of the glass building, staring down at him.

It had been a month and two weeks since the death of his parents, and Matthew still wasn't sure what to expect. He hadn't imagined that this day would be like this at all.

When he graduated, he was meant to join the company, build his way up to the top. Now, he was taking over the position of CEO from Oscar Evans, who had served as the interim leader during the month-long pause.

Matthew couldn't for the life of him believe he was ready for something like this. It was his father's final wish, passing down his legacy to his oldest son.

Matthew eyes flickered as he stared through the glass at the people inside. He knew most of them, and he knew that they would all have things to say about him; bad and good.

Truthfully, he was absolutely terrified.

Matthew took a deep breath — this was a momentous day. He could do this.

Taking a step forward, Matthew Campbell pushed through the doors and departed on the next part of his life.

Almost instantly, flashing camera lights blinded him enough to give him an epileptic seizure. Shouts and calls of "Mr Campbell! Mr Campbell!" were deafening.

He could do this.

Matthew schooled his expression into the charming grin he always used in the media, eyes twinkling with mischievousness as he stalked through the entrance hall confidently.

Oscar clapped him on the back with a booming laugh, and Matthew saw even more cameras flash as they caught a live picture of the older generation passing down the torch to him. "You're gonna do great, kid," Oscar said encouragingly.

Matthew could see the headlines of the papers tomorrow.

Matthew Campbell succeeds late father at ripe age of 21.

Campbell Inc. board lands on youth as CEO: Opportunity or mistake?

He shuddered inwardly. The pressure felt like it was squeezing the life out of him.

Trying to retain his confident facade, Matthew gestured towards the elevator, and the throngs of employees and photographers alike parted like the Red Sea for the new CEO of Campbell Inc.

Apparently, the position had its perks.

Everyone wanted to get on his good side — either for status or money. Matthew was glad he'd found his real friends before this happened. He knew exactly who he could trust and who he couldn't.

Some of the company's employees who had served under his father were clearly doubtful of his abilities. Well, they were in for a surprise, he hadn't reviewed just about a thousand documents regarded the company with Elizabeth for nothing.

Once Matthew was in the elevator, he deflated, face falling as he rubbed his eyes tiredly. Was this what it would be like from now on? The journey up was a relaxing break for him, but eventually, he reached the top floor.

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