C5 - Bathtime (M)

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This Chapter has SMUT! I will indicate when it's there.


After creating the account on Youtube, they immediately received an email from Youtube head office asking if they could sponsor them, to which Jungkook accepted and send his dad to the HQ to deal with the paperwork, about an hour later a van pulled up outside their house and passed a huge box to an officer, they soon left and the officer checked the contents and then passed it along to Qing. Inside the box was a full camera set up




2 Lightbox's

A new 4K laptop

A DVD with editing software on it

After showing the box to Jungkook, Jungkook took the Camera out and turned it on, he walking into the bathroom where Taehyung was submerging himself in the tank, he began talking to the camera "Hello Everyone, this will be first video on our new channel, I know I said I would be filming on a phone but about 10 minutes ago a huge box of video recording gear arrived at our house, Thank you Youtube for sponsoring us and sending us this set up, now I can show you Taehyung playing in his temporary tank" He slowly pans the camera to Taehyung who is still submerging himself while playing with a an empty bottle to make bubbles, Jungkook giggles at his amazed face and he walked over, he put his hand into the tank to get Taehyung's attention, Taehyung notices immediately and dropped the bottle and popped his head out the water, he smiled his box smiled at Jungkook and said "Kookie, look poppables" as he grabs the bottle and makes another bubble to pop, he giggles and looks at Jungkook again, Jungkook smiles and said "We call it a bubble" Taehyung gasped and said "Bubble! Bubble! Bubble!" He laughs and makes more, Jungkook took the camera and placed it on the sink opposite the tank and walked out the room leaving Taehyung playing with the bubbles. He walked back in and held the tripod, clothes, and another box that he grabbed from his room. He set the tripod up and connected the camera. He opened the box and pulled out 2 tubes of shampoo and conditioner, he placed them by the bathtub and began filling the tub up with lukewarm water, once it was halfway up, he turned to tap off and went over to Taehyung, knelt down and said "Bathtime" Taehyung tilted his head to the side and said, "What's bathtime?" Jungkook smiled and said "Bathtime is when you wash your body and your hair, I sure you haven't washed properly in a while so I'll wash your hair for you to get all the grime out," Taehyung thought and then said cheerfully "Ok Kookie, if you say to do it then I will" Jungkook smiled and picked him up moving him over to the tub, after changing to camera's position he moved out of view of the camera and changed into his swimming shorts and a white T'shirt, when he got back into the camera view Taehyung looked at him and said "bathtime?" Jungkook sat Taehyung up and sat behind him so that his head was in his lap, Taehyung smiled and relaxed as Jungkook pored a nice smelling gloopy mixture on his hair, as Jungkook was mixing it in and making soapy bubbles, Taehyung was smiling at them and playing with them, after washing his hair out Jungkook began using a chemical-free shower wash and began to wash his back, arms and chest. At this point, Taehyung was smiling, and looking at Jungkook, he softly said: "Are you going to wash my tail too?" Jungkook thought and then subtly remembered what Jack had said before leaving the aquarium, he went slightly pink in the cheeks and said "A little bit" as Jungkook let a bit of the water from the tub down the drain, he poured the shower gel onto Taehyung's tail and slowly began massaging all the dead skin off, all while Taehyung was watching with pink ears, as Jungkook had started from his waist and started from there, he gradually made it down to the tip of his tail and Taehyung gripped onto the side of the bath as he turned away from Jungkook with an extremely red face and a sore lip from holding his voice back, Jungkook was too busy washing him to notice the way he was making Taehyung react until he noticed his fin gradually curving in on itself, he was confused and then looked at Taehyung.

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