✨moving in with my bro✨

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backstory: all my life i have been josh richards' younger sister. it can get really annoying because i cant tell if someone really wants to be my friend or if they are just using me to get closer to my older brother. i struggle greatly trying to find real friends that actually like me. my brother moved away to LA last year and i really miss him. my mom said that i should spend a month living with him and a bunch of his guy friends at a mansion. i have a feeling that i wont like it for multiple reasons. 1) i will miss my best friend b/n 2) i will miss my sister olivia and my brother will. they can get on my nerves sometimes, but it will be weird without them. 3) is that i will miss my parents! that will be the hardest part if moving away. and lastly 4) apparently since i'm not sure if i'm going to move in yet i will have one of my brothers friends rooms for now. he only visits sometimes, but he is at home for now.

y/n pov:
*beep* * beep* *beep* *beep*
my alarm clock goes off and its 4 in the morning! its too early for this! i wake up to a text from josh... he must have sent it last night while i was sleeping.

messages between josh and y/n
josh- josh
y/n- y/n

Big Bro💪🏻🤍
yo y/n me and bryce will
pick you up from the airport at 10!
i cant wait to see you!

hey josh!! I cant wait to see
you and the rest of the boys!! see you at tenn!💛
delivered at 4:01 am

i go into my closet and can't find a sweatshirt i must have packed them all. then i remembered that josh was visiting about 4 months ago and i am pretty sure he has a few sweatshirts in his closet. so i go in and see josh's favorite champion hoodie. so i put that on with a pair of sweats and my plain black slip on vans. (ik the picture isn't the right color but i couldn't find the one that josh has)

 (ik the picture isn't the right color but i couldn't find the one that josh has)

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i get dressed and put some mascara on. i didn't care what i looked like but i wanted to be somewhat presentable. my mom argues with me andy was telling me i should wear nice clothes, but i was going on a plane not to some dinner!

i had a four hour flight to get to LA and i didn't really care what i looked like. my flight was at 6 and i had to leave my house at 4:50 i needed a lot of time to get through security. i dont want to miss my flight! it was 4:43 and i did not have time fir breakfast so i ran downstairs and grabbed a mint chocolate cliff bar and a banana. i screamed at my mom "MOM, can you drive me ti the airport now! i have to leave right now or ill be late!!"

"get in the car and get settled y/n" she screamed back. i had written a letter to olivia and will last night for them saying how ill be home soon and they can always call me and ill answer if i'm not busy! i'm going to miss my family while i'm gone and i guess ill just have to be friends with a bunch of guys around josh's age! uggghhhhh!!

So i got in the car and my mom got in right after and drove me to the airport. I went in and said bye to my mom!! i was going to miss her so much and i'm sad that i'm leaving her for a whole month!

Time Skip: to after the plane lands

when the plane lands i go to starbucks it was a little early and so i had time! so i texted josh
messages between josh and y/n

Big Bro💪🏻🤍

hey josh! i just landed
and im at the starbucks!!
im so excited!!💛💛

we will be there in 10
minutes!! i missed you y/n!
read at 8:45

i walked into starbucks and got my usual venti iced carmel macchiato with almond milk. they called my name and i bumped into someone i looked up and saw this guy with brown roots and platinum on the top.

y/n- im so sorry!!
??- you are fine! hi my name is quinton. you are josh's sister, y/n right?
y/n- how do you know me??
q- lets just say im pretty close to josh
y/n- okay well i gotta go.. josh is picking me up.
q- bye

josh's pov:
i came to pick up y/n from the airport and i feel my phone vibrate. i leave it alone and on my way to starbucks y/n walks out she was definitely blushing but what for? i call her name and she runs to me! i was so excited to see her!

y/n pov:
i walk out of starbucks flush red and hear my name being called... i looked around and saw josh. i was so excited that i ran up to him and almost dropped my coffee! i was hoping that he couldn't tell that i was blushing but he probably could. he takes me out to the car and he starts to ask me how olivia, will, and our parents are i say "they are good." i think he noticed i was acting off because after i said that he said "yo y/n whats up?"
y/n- nothing why?
j- it's obviously not nothing y/n... you can trust me you know!
y/n- fine there was this kid at starbucks and i was texting you so i wasn't paying attention and i bumped into him and i said i was sorry and he said it's fine.
j- so thats why you aren't being yourself?
y/n- no, then he said you're josh's sister y/n right? and i said how do you know me? and he said let's just say i'm pretty close to josh.
j- umm fanboy much
y/n- yeah that's what i thought
j- is that also why you were blushing when you came out of starbucks?
y/n- noooo *pick up sarcasm*

josh's pov:
i remember the text i got earlier so i ask y/n to see what it says. it was probably just nessa so i didnt really care.
y/n- who the hell is "da freshman"
j- oh that's this new kid at sway he's on his way home to visit his parents. his name is quinton. why you askin?
y/n- q-quint-ton...
j- yeah... y/n are you okay???
y/n- ye-eah
j- what about quinton anyway?
y/n- he's the person who texted you. oh and he's also the kid that said let's just say i'm close to josh.
j- ohhh it was freshman... haha
y/n- why do you call him freshman?
j- oh he's 16 and he's a freshman.
y/n- oh okay

now i really wanted to know what the text said i could see that she was blushing now and was blushing when she came out of starbucks so she def thinks that quinton is cute. anyways we arrive at the Sway house and she goes "this is where you live" she looked like this 😧. i stated "well when you live with 6 guys and some of them have girlfriends you kinda need room!"

y/n pov:
when we arrive at his house he ripped his phone out of my hands. i was shocked i couldn't believe that my brother lived in a mansion! he was such a ass about it though! he acted like i was retarded.

josh's pov:
i cannot believe it no wonder she was blushing in the car!!!

A/n sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger but it ez what it ezz (iykyk) anyways sorry if its bad its my first book...

word count- 1357

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