16 1 0

" I make no promises"

~Time-o-reno skip-po~

After about 20 or so minutes of walking we reach another clearing, this on is almost like the other, but the moon shines right on this clearing and it is much bigger than the last one. I look up at the moon, it's a full moon tonight.

It has a log and all, this one is bigger and looks to be still half way alive.

My legs are way past numb, my feet feel like they will fall of any time soon, they are sore, my mind races and thinks about the most random things, right now I would really love a cold shower.

"Hey do you mind if we sit for awhile, my legs are sore"

"Really, we barely walked and you're legs are already sore?!"

"Well sorry! I'm a lazy person! And besides I want to see what all I can do, after all I don't know how this,"

I hold out my hand and stare down at it. This weird new feeling not new, but new all at the same time.


"You can find out later"

"I want to sit though!"

"Too bad if you don't come then I'm going to leave you,"

"Bye then,"

I cross my arms in protest, and put all of my weight onto one leg.  I take out one of my arms and wave good bye to him as most people would to their friends.

He looks at me for a minute and sighs.

"You want to take a break?"


"Then find you're own way back!"

He storms off into the woods and leaves me, my copy, and dogo, I think I'm going to name her, (I guess it's a female)

But what should I name her?

I look up around me, I plop down onto the log  that I wondered to. My girl comes and sits criss cross in front of me and looks up at me.

"Can you hear me?"

She nods her head,

"So you understand me?"

"Yes I have the same knowledge as you, and the same powers, but you have yet to awaken more of yours."

I sigh, this is frustrating. All this new bs.

My mind travels back to what I used to be. A normal person, normal life. And I even had this hidden. How?


"Well it starts as the world started,"

I look up I'm amazement. She heard that? I barely mumbled it she must be able to understand me better than I

" From what ever started it, there was things hidden amongst this new place, some what humans call natural. Others not so much, are you still with me?"

"Yes, basically like superpowers?"

"Yes, but less, well.... Flashy I should say, and these 'others' "

She does the weird thing most people seem to do with talking, over talking.

"They where like chosen ones, not many are there and even fewer with the Same gifts"

"So this is like a rare thing?"

"More people have it, like success, it's given or reached, or you're born with it, some people with these gifts won't ever even know."

"Ok so I was just lucky to find out mine again?"

"Yes infact you knew this was going to happen, but not when."

"So I knew but didn't stop it?"

"Yes. "

"What all can I do?"

"Many things, and some you haven't learned yet, try what you already have done. See the dog you made?"


"Close you're eyes and think about
you're favorite animal."

I hear a bark then twigs snapping, it sounds painful. I don't want to do this to the p-

"Don't worry he can't feel it don't hesitate!"

I close my eyes tight, then  after a little while I feel like I should open them.

I slowly open my eyes to see a red fox,
Sitting there looking at me, it even has color. And fur! It looks so fluffy and real.

"Woah. It looks so real!"

"Yes now one more time, but this time try to make one more copy, this one will not be as powerful but very close."

"Ok I can try?"

I close my eyes and think about making one more clone this time I want her to look as realistic as possible I want her to be a part of me to look and sound and even think how I think. I want her to be me.


I slowly open my eyes to see both of them to look exactly like me. It's crazy. I get off of the log and sit in front of both of them.

They are side to side. Sitting and even blinking the same it was weird.

It's weird see myself.  I look back at my hands in amazement, this is really me? I can do this? This is me?

"If I can make things out of dead things and look like this, can I make them out of things that are living as well?"

"See for yourself,"

"How do I do it?"

"Just think of what you want."

I hear my stomach growl, I really want food.

Just as that came into my head out sprouted a bush, full of berries.

"Are these editable?"


I grab a few and put them into my mouth and chew.

"Would y'all like some? Help you're self!"

They come over and the little fox runs off some e where I to the woods, in not worried. I like this.

My girl looks at me I look back.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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