Little old me?

19 1 0

The little girl goes inside of me and I fall down,
I feel like someone is poking me, I look down thinking that it is the little girl buts its not, it just none thing, everything fades back into darkness, I close my eyes, don't know why I did, then I slowly flutter them open, its all blurry, so I blink to see, at least that helps, it does, and I can see, I'm on a bed, with some one poking my side.
"What the hell?"
My head hurts it feels like someone is on the inside of my head and hitting it with a hammer trying to get out or something like that, it just hurts a lot. Like a lot. It fuck-
Loud static roars into my ears, I shut my eyes and put my hands up to my ears.
"S-slender your g-going to hurt her,"
All of a sudden the static stops and I slowly pull down my hands off of the sides of my head.
I sit up,
"Who are you? Where am I? What do you want from me? Who the hell was that? Why am I here?"
The person, just starts to stutter,
He extends his right hand,
"Who are you?!"
"Unmmm, c-call m-me to-oby?"
"Is that your real name toby?"
With every word coming out like venom,
The person has on a brownish tanish, long sleeve shirt or hoodie. He also has blue hood they have goggles on their forehead and a mouth guard on, they look just like. My entire body fills with fear.
"y-you k-kill-killed tha-that  l-lady!"
Toby tilts his head,
"Oh,he-her? S-she saw y-you s-she had t-to go?"
"And you kissed me! Then made me pass out! What was that?! "
Soft static fills my ears as a man appears, he has on a nice black dress suit on, with equally nice black well polished shoes, the one thing that stands out is the face, well, it has the shape of one, but. No facial features. At all. No eyes. No nose. No mouth. He is really tall, taller than me and the one who introduced himself as Toby, is that even his real name?
"Hi Y/N"
"Yes I know your name, toby you may be dismissed. "
'Toby' left the room, and I sit up right.
"Who the hell are you?!"
"Oh my, I'm sorry, let me introduce myself, I'm slenderman, but everyone here calls me slender,"
"What type of name is that?"
"Mine, the one you met that is ticci toby, he is really nice, and you said he kissed you?"
"Ya he fucking killed a girl then held out his hand then kissed me when I gave him my hand I thought it was to help me up, or fucking kill me but kiss me?! NEVER did that cross my mind!!! PERV!"
"I don't know why he kissed you, he's not the best with girls, nor is he a pervert. If he did do what you said there must of been a reason,"
"He KISSED me then said sorry then put a damn rag on my fucking face! Like what the hell?! You don't kiss a girl with out her permission!"
I guess I didn't know but Toby walked back in.
"But you kissed back,"
He didn't even stutter.
I look over to where he sneakith his way into the room. I scream.
I hissed.
"I'm not a demon, and you did kiss me back,"
"Shootith thou hoeith!"
The man who was listening to my ranting is gone,
"Wait where did Lenderman go?!"
"Who's lenderman? Do you mean slender?"
"I was talking to ma self ya hoe!"
A short kid appears, like just out of nowhere, behind toby.
"Oh I thought Jeff called me. "
"No, Ben this is Y/N, Y/N this is Ben, he's the real hoe..."
He does a fake gasp before floating towards me.
Ben stops and turns to Toby before doing a fake cry.
"She doesn't even know that yet and she's screaming it. "
All of a sudden he 'disappears' I highly suspect its still here. He's a ghosty ghost he could still be watching me. The one who called him self toby left. I flop down on the bed.
"Fuck my life."
"Then can I be your life?"
"Eakkk demons!"
I scream and roll off of the bed.
"Its just me Ben chill gurl, "
He floats above me.
His eyes flask black and I scream and run for the door, he appears in front of me. I scream again.
"Chill girl. Got damn your moor moody then fuckin' Jeff. "
I stop running.
"Who's Jeff?"
"You don't want to meet him, I don't even know how we are friends"
"If you don't like him why are y'all friends?"
"Its a mutual feeling, he's tried to kill me many times before but it didn't work I just woke up a few minutes later,"
He smiles, its more like a grin, his grin makes it look like he would rape me. 
I don't trust this demon.
"Also I wouldn't go out there you might run into Jeff, he, he"
His smile fades and his face becomes serious,
"He has a horrible appearance, his skin looks like its from the lava of hell its self, his face, his cold stare, he could kill you with a single glance!"
I feel the colour drain from my face.
"Ben don't let him know I'm here ok?!"
"It will be hard but I know a way to make sure he doesn't hurt you , but you won't like it"
While he was talking I walked over to the bed where he followed still talking, I jump onto the bed lay flat down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.
"Just tell me, I at least have to hear it. "
He gets onto the bed with me and floats over me. I stretch out and he slowly floats closer and closer,
"Are you sure you want to know?"
"Yes! I don't want to get hurt!"
"If you say so,"
He is now on top of me one hand on my waist one by my shoulder.
"You'll ha-"
Ben gets thrown off of my and I'm yanked up by a pissed off toby,
"Ben stop being a fuc-fucking Perv!"
"Hey you can't blame me she's cute"
He tenses,
"F-fuck off"
I get dragged out of the room and down a hall, the entire time with toby mumbling things here and there some words I could pick up like 'Ben' 'kill' 'stupid' 'pervert' 'murder with a butter knife'
"Where are we going?!"
"Away from h-him,"
He turns,
"Y-you don't remember me d-do y-you?"
"Wat? From killing the girl ya? Dah hell you mean boy"
He chuckles, which send shivers down my back,
"Nice to see you are still the same"
He continues to pull me while we turn down another hall his hand slips from wrist to intertwine with mine, I guess he got tired of holding my wrist? I'm not going to stop him what if I turn out like that girl in the cabin? Out of nowhere a girl pops out, she's a bit taller than me but still shorter than toby, she sees me holding hand with him and she gives me a death glare,
"Baby who's this?"
She is really scary I let go of Toby's hand and hide behind him holding onto his hood, she is really pretty she has fair skin brown hair, the only thing that sets me off is the clock eye. It scares me, how did she do that? WAUT SO THIS GUY KISSED ME AND HAS A GF, PLAYER ALERT!
"Clockwork stop calling me that we already broke up"
"But we are both still single and I want you!"
"Who said I was s-single?"
"Oh please, who are you with? All the girls know to stay back"
I feel his hand pull me out from behind him and he snakes his hand around my waist.
"What are you doing?!"
I hissed,
"Ya what are you doing toby, who is she?"
"My girlfriend"
He looks down at me and mouths 'go along', my face flushes red. God damn player.
"You and toby are dating?"
She death glares me,
"I don't believe it, if y'all are then kiss"
My face darkens its red appeal, toby turns me by my waist and places both hands onto my waist, because I only come up to about his chin, I have to stand on my tippy toes, and he comes down a bit, and we kiss, I thought it was just going to be a small one but when I tried pull away he deepened the kiss, clockwork stomped off and that didn't stop toby, I had to forcefully pull away so I could breath, I was going to die if I did that any longer.
I punch his chest really hard, he acts like it was a feather blown onto him,
"Y-You asshole! This is twice now!"
He intertwines his hands with mine and lays his head on mine. He pulls me tighter and hugs me. 
"Hey I'm talking to you!"
"How c-could you forget?"
"Forget what? Hey- I'm supposed to mad! "
I try to push my self only to get pulled tighter. I. Can't. Breath.
He releases me,
"I-its fine"
I hear a door get slammed and then angry stomping, then I hears some stairs being stomped on. Toby doesn't hesitate and grabs me and we are off again. He takes me down another hall, the stomping goes up this flight of stairs and is now on our floor, I hope it isn't clockwork. Then I see someone with black raven hair and really pale skin, on their face is a smile. But not a normal one. Its carved into their skin, just as they come into view toby opens a brown door and shoves me in. Its a nice room, its pretty big, bigger than my room, and compared to the old house huge. It has a brown desk and a corresponding bed frame and closet, there is another door to what I think is a bathroom,
"Who's room is this?"
He cracks his neck in a way that sounds very painful,
"Y-you can s-sit down I-I'm not going t-to hurt you"
I just lean my back against the door, and he flops face down into the bed. Nows my chance, on the count of five I'll run...

"Don't run please"
Damn it. He's on to me!
"What made you think that I was going to run, cuz I'm not!"
"Yes you where"
"Was not!"
"W-was to. "
I turn and twist the door knob, now or never before I could even open the door I get pushed against the door, I turn around to see toby, yet again pissed off,
"See you wh-where"
He leans his body onto my forcing me against the door.
"Don't lie to me"
He voice got really dark and scary and sent shivers down my spine,
"You a-are bad at lieing any w-way"
"I'm not going to run!"
"Ok so if I where t-to go back over t-there you'd s-stay?"
He walks back over to the bed and flops back down, I quietly turn the handle and back off of the door, I swing it open and make a run for it, I don't even make it five feet before I get pulled back by the waist and dragged back into the room I kick and try to twist, but the person only pulls me off of the ground, when I get back into the room Toby shuts the door and this time locks it. Great now it will take longer to get out. He drags me back to the bed and sets me down on there. I cross my arms in defeat.
"T-thought you'd stay?"
"Well what do you expect from someone who's been KIDNAPPED!!"
There is a fast and loud knock on the door.
"Its what he calls me,he'll go away soon"
Toby sighs and flops down on the bed. Twitchy? Who is this guy to make fun if him for it!?! He can't help it!!!
I get up and stomp to the door.
"Y/N? What are you doing?"
"What's right!!"
He tries to scramble off of the bed but only in return he falls onto his face on the ground, I swing open the door.

(2222 Exactly, not including this, I feel like I accomplished something for once)

Wonder who's at the door that Y/N is yelling at?
Find out in the next chapter!!!!!
Love you all!
-your horrible author
(Anyone know what blue hearts mean let me know what you think)
(PS I know but do you?)



Thank you so much I don't know how you found my page but this is a shout out to you thank you soooo much❤️❤️❤️😆

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