fourteen → disaster

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"Oh my gosh, you look perfect!" Kourtney squealed as she took in Reagan's outfit for the photoshoot. Her hair was slightly curled and pinned to one side. Honestly she looked just like Gabriella right now. 

"Okay people, let's do this!" Ricky clapped his hands from behind the girls. The moment her eyes landed on Ricky in his costume, Reagan couldn't hold back the laughter.

" god. Rick," she exclaimed in a fit of giggles.

"What?" He asked, playfully flipping his Troy Bolton wig and making his way over to the girl.

"I-I can't. My god. There's just....," she stuttered, in shock.

"What's so funny huh," he continued to flip his hair, this time poking Reagan's sides causing her to let out little squeals.

"Bowen! Knock it off," she tried shoving him away.

Surrounding them, most of the cast just watch this play out in front of them, amused. 

After a disastrous photoshoot led by Big Red, which involved a lot of confusion the cast was now changed back into their normal attire and waiting in the bomb shelter for Miss Jenn.

"So I worked on an acoustic version of your song today. I've been meaning to sing it for Miss Jenn and see if she'd want to use it, but and I really want you to hear it first," Ricky nudged Reagan as the two were sitting on the floor with Nora, Gina and Big Red.

"What about us man?" Big Red spoke, before Reagan even had the chance to answer. 

Gina and Nora began smirking, letting out silent giggles. They both knew why Ricky had only asked Reagan. It was obvious to the both of them that the pair had caught feelings for each other, but wouldn't admit it.

"Uh, yeah. You all can listen." Ricky awkwardly smiled, scratching the back of his neck.

"Has anyone seen Carlos or Miss Jenn," Natalie asked the entire room, gaining a few shakes of heads and 'no's'. She then sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "They're never late."

"She's right," Reagan spoke to her friends, "The two of them are always early to everything."

But before anyone could think about much longer, Carlos made his way into the room. "Okay people, let's stage a number. Sorry I'm late!"

"Is Miss Jenn coming?" Nini asked.

"Uh, Miss Jenn has a small personal matter to attend to and won't be here today," he smiled.

Someone then asked Carlos if everything was ok. And up until that moment the cast would've believed it was, but then Carlos got slightly defensive and suspicious when saying that everything was fine, and it was ridiculous to even ask.

Nonetheless, everyone got up from their spots and were ready to begin rehearsals. 

"Okay Gabriella, I need you downstage on this mark." Carlos announced, grabbing Reagan by the hands and directing her to a spot. "Troy stage right, Chad stage left box. And um other boys, find a box." He clapped.

"Uh are they on stage with me while I'm singing?" Reagan questioned, her eyebrows furrowed.

Carlos nodded, "They will be frozen in various poses. You will be wandering through a forest of boys," he spoke proudly.

Reagan raised her eyebrows. "What does that even mean?"

Carlos then went on to "dumb it down" for her, condescendingly.

"Okay...but why?" Reagan questioned. This wasn't a part of the original movie, nor did it seem like it even fit in. 

"Because your heart has just been shattered, and you can't stop thinking about how amazing Troy is."

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