𝕛𝕦𝕚 𝕚𝕟 𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕖

Start from the beginning


She choked out a sob, and buried her face in hands. She was shaking now, and tears were spilling out. Suddenly, she felt someone pull her forward and into their arms.

"Shh, It's all okay, I'm here Jane." Johnny's familiar voice soothed in english.

Jui slowly latched onto Johnny, and he moved her legs to around his waist, and picked her up, bringing her to the living room.

"I'm sorry for waking y-you up. I know you wer-e wat-ching a m-movie with J-Jae and it was-s long." Jui choked out as Johnny laid down on the couch, Jui now lying across his chest.

"It's fine Jui. I've said it before, I'll always be here for you." Johnny said, stroking her hair.

It was true. Jui had known Johnny longer than anyone else in SM. He helped her with home sickness, and became her older brother. He had comforted her dozens of times, and could always calm her down. While everyone in NCT now knew about Jui's past, Johnny had actually known much prior to NCT's creation. He knew everything about her and everyone could see the bond the two shared.

Eventually Jui calmed down, and her breathing slowed.

"I know you were crashing on the couch, but you can share my bed with me tonight. I could use a cuddle buddy. Besides, this couch is probably to short for you." Jui offered, her voice going deeper and tiredness finally started hitting her.

"Sure thing."


"Why is there so many packages outside the door?" Jaehyun asked as he walked into the kitchen where the 10th floor members were eating breakfast.

Mark started giggling, and Jui looked at him confused.

"R-Remember when you got bored during our movie night last week and started online-shopping?" Mark said, looking over at Jui.

Jui looked highly confused before connecting everything and face palming.

"Thank god for my black card. I'm gonna go check what I bought." Jui said, putting her dishes away and walking to the door to collect her packages.

"Why did I order 7 pairs of the same socks?"

"Jui what's this?"

"A strap-on."


"Just kidding, It's a lava lamp silly."


As the rest of the 10th floor spent their breakfast on VLive, chatting away, Jui stirred awake from her bed. Shivering, she bundled herself in a thick wool blanket and put her airpods in to get her daily dose of Mamamoo.

She huddled in the kitchen, ignorant to the snickers coming from the guys. She walked into frame extending her arm slightly, opening the fridge.

omg jui looks like a burrito

jui is me, i am jui

"Jane we're live." Johnny said, laughing as Jui pulled an ice coffee out.

"What?" Jui said, tiredly looking over to camera. "Fuck."

She bundled herself onto a chair, quietly eating a muffin and drinking her coffee.

"The fans want to know why you are so tired." Mark said.

"Oh, I spent the night at-" Jui saw the manager signalling her to not finish her sentence. However, she couldn't really give a damm.

"I was a Red Velvet's dorm and spent the night with Yeri. If you know what I mean." Jui said, laughing slightly as Johnny loudly gasped.

get ready with me | yuta + jui

"Jui and I are going to the practice room today!" Yuta said excitedly as they got ready.

Jui was attempting to pull her hair in a bun but gave up half-way, and pulling a hoodie on over the plain shirt she was wearing.

Yuta laughed at the younger girl.

"We gotta go brush our teeth. Kun complains that I don't care about my teeth enough." Jui said, ruffling her violently.

Yuta reached over and ruffled it as well.


Yuta smiled and laughed as he went to do it again.

"I'LL KILL YOU." Yuta grabbed the phone and ran, as a wild Jui chased him through the dorm.

johnny's fashion evaluation 2020

"Today on JCC we are bringing back Johnny's Fashion Evaluation! Quarantine 2020 Edition." Johnny said to the camera. "First up, Jui!"

"COMING!" Jui yelled from the background.

"I don't know what to expect from Jui since she never really has a consistent style." Johnny said as a squeaky door opened and Jui walked into frame.

"How's my fit?" Jui asked, posing like a high fashion model.

"Seriously?" Johnny said.

"Does it look that bad?" Jui said. She looked over her outfit of blue velvet croptop and high-waisted baggy buckle pants.

"No!" Johnny said surprised. "I kinda expected you to walk out neon sweats and a trash bag."

"I only look nice cause this is Sani's top and Midnight's pants. The legs are to long." Jui said pointing at her pants which we unevenly rolled up just above her ankles, revealing her Steven Universe slippers.

"I swear you are a child."


nct 127 makane line yoga

"Why are you so flexible?" Mark said in confusion as Jui lead him and Haechan in yoga.

"Uh, maybe cause i'm a SM Idol." Jui sassed back as she shifted into middle spilts.

"What's the most flexible move you can do?" Haechan asked.

"Uh a back bend and grabbing my ankles." Jui said standing up.

Haechan and Mark's eyes nearly popped out of their heads as Jui leaned backwards, planting her hands on the ground before grabbing her ankles. She let go and stood back up straight, before goofily planting herself back on the yoga mat.

"Comeone! We've got salutations to do and bones to break!" Jui said excitedely.


jui | nct 22nd memberWhere stories live. Discover now