→You give but you cannot take love←

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Genre: angst
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Wassup? Been a minute since we kicked it

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Wassup? Been a minute since we kicked it. You've been caught up, with them bitches i dont get it you a star, love.

___ stood in the kitchen and looked out the opening as she watched Yoongi  in the entertainment area across the house with the multiple girls that were trying to throw themselves at the up coming rapper. She wasn't mad or hurt anymore though, ___ was used to these things with Yoongi's stubborn ass. ___ had only accepted the invitation to the house party because she missed him, they hadn't hung out as much as they used to.

Sipping her drink she hadn't even noticed he was now by her side, Yoongi wrapped his hand around ___'s  waist pulling her towards him.

"Hey" His sonorous voice rung in her ear over the booming music. ___smirked and turned in his hold towards him.

"Wassup," she spoke and looked him in his sparkling dark brown eyes. "Its been a minute." she added waiting for him to spit out an excuse as he usually does. But he was silent so she took this as a chance to get some shit off her chest. She removed his arm from around her and stood up straight so that she could pull him up to the room shed been all to familiar with.

___ sat down and didn't even wait for Yoongi to settle himself before she started to lecture him.

"Im not gonna sit here and tell you im jealous because ive gotten used to you leaving then coming back only when you want." ___ paused as if she was trying to gather her words in the right way
"Lately you tell be you feel numb with all these bitches on your arm, i just want you to know..."
"I'd never make you feel like those girls" she looked him in his eyes
"But i love myself too much to waiting around for you to try and figure whos bed you wanna he in at night."

He stared at the brown skinned beauty that was in front of him Pouring her heart out to him. He wasn't gonna lie and say he didn't know thats how she felt because it was obvious.

"I know you trust me more then any of them little girls, i know you Min Yoongi. I know you've been through more then the most of us!" He seen her eyes start to gloss and rushed to sit down next to her. He held the girl in his arms. ___'s shoulders shook as she let out the tears she didn't know she had. All the emotions she desperately tried to hold back rushing out. "What are you so afraid of?" She sniffled lifting her head from is chest to look at him. Yoongi thought about it for a moment, he's scared that they aren't ment to be more than friends. He couldn't live with himself if he made you disappear from his life forever. Thats why he's always pushing away your love because he doesn't want to lose you.

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