Chapter 14: Trusting Blindly

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"You guys are dating now?" Uraraka asked fervently, walking down the school hallways with most of 1-A's girls.

The question elicited a smile to tug on the blonde's lips. "Yeah, we are."

"It's about time." Mina said. "You guys have had heart eyes for each other ever since you came here."

"You're amazing, you know that, Ayla?" Jiro asked.

"How do you mean?" the purple-eyed girl questioned.

"Todoroki was very...aloof. It got better after the Sports Festival thanks to Midoriya, but there was always some wall he had up. Then you came along."

"Really?" Ayla inquired. "Shoto wasn't that unsociable when I came."

Mina scoffed playfully. "That's because you haven't seen him any different."

"I'm happy for you two." Momo said cheerfully. "I can tell you bring out the best in each other."

"Thank you." Ayla smiled. "It means a lot."

All the girls teased her for the whole walk until they reached their classroom.

* * * * *

Aizawa leaned over the podium with a serious expression. "Class 1-A of the hero course will be focusing on getting their provisional license. A hero license bears with it the great responsibility of human life. Of course the exam to receive one is very difficult. Even the the provisional license has only a 50% passing rate each year. That's why today, we will have each of you come up with at least two ultimate moves."

"Ultimate means that the move will give you a sure win." Ectoplasm clarified.

"A move so ingrained into your body that others cannot copy it." Cementoss added. "Battle means seeing how much you can force what you're good at on your opponent."

"Your moves will represent you." Midnight stated. "These days, pro heroes without ultimate moves are an endangered species."

"Change into your costumes and meet in Gym Gamma." Aizawa ordered.

* * * * *

"Why must we have ultimate moves for our provisional licensing exam?" Iida questioned.

"The job of a hero is to save people from danger like crimes, accidents, natural disasters and man-made disasters. The exam to become one naturally looks at how well you are able to do that. Your ability to gather information, make decisions, move and fight in addition to your ability to communicate, draw people and lead. Every year, a different test is used to look at how well you are able to do things." the black-haired teacher answered.

"Of those, your ability to fight is especially important to your futures as heroes." Midnight chimed in. "If you are prepared, you're ready. Whether or not you have an ultimate move will greatly affect whether or not you pass."

"Not being influenced by circumstances and being able to act consistently will make you a great asset on the front lines." Cementoss said.

"Your ultimate moves do not necessarily need to be of the attacking type." Ectoplasm said. "Take Iida's Recipro Burst for an example."

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