Chapter 3: Gratitude

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"We will be having another team exercise." Aizawa said on the platform. "Each group is a five-man team in the exclusion of one since we are an odd number."

"Again?" Kaminari pouted unmotivated. "Man, I was hoping for a normal school event..."

Aizawa ignored his student's comment. "The teams are given either a Heaven Scroll or an Earth Scroll before entering Ground Omega. They then have forty-five minutes for the entire team to reach U.A's building outside of the forest with one of each scroll in their possession; how they acquire the other scroll is up to them, by force or by trade being the most common options. If a team loses their starting scroll they are not automatically disqualified, as they may use the remaining time to acquire another copy of the scroll they've lost. Since one scroll is given to each team and you need two to win, two teams will succeed while two will fail." The homeroom teacher pulled out a cardboard box. "Inside are numbers 1,2,3 and 4 on papers. You will draw one out and the teams will be decided as such. Each team regroup in the corner of each class!"

The box circulated in the rows and it was now time for the blonde to draw. She pulled out a blue card and flipped it around, reading the number 2. Ayla went to her corner where Team 2 should be regrouped and smiled when she saw Kirishima, Todoroki, Iida and Jiro.

* * * * *

Everyone was sent to Ground Omega, where Aizawa-sensei gave each team ten minutes to find an adequate hiding place to start in the forest. Team 2 has decided to hide safely around tall trees to mask themselves in case people decide to camp on higher ground. They weren't really scared of any surprise attacks, since they had Jiro on their team. She was on standby as her earphone jack was deep into the ground, listening for any unusual movements.

"What's our strategy?" Iida asked. "All-out defense? All-out offence? Both?"

Kirishima shrugged. "Depends on the team."

"We should still have a plan." Ayla said, her chin set on her hand as she concentrated. "I think our safest bet is having Jiro on stand-by to alert us for enemy circulation. Then when they appear, Kirishima and Todoroki will be a distraction of offence. I will use my quirk and switch places with the person holding the scroll. Finally, Iida will emerge from hiding and use his quirk to carry me somewhere very far with such speed—they won't be able to run after us."

"That's..." Kirishima's voice trailed off. "perfect."

"I hear five people approaching!" Jiro gasped loudly and turned to her teammates, pointing ouest. "And they're coming straight for us!"

Everyone dashed to left and past the trees, swatting branches away from their faces. They finally ran past the tree and into an openly wide terrain. It was pretty vast, perfect for battle.

"How did they manage to find us?" Iida questioned aloud, positioning in his fighting stance.

Ayla glanced behind at their enemy team. It was Team 3: Tsuyu, Ashido, Koji, Midoriya, Ojiro. She locked eyes with a particular timid-looking boy. "I'm guessing with Koji's quirk."

"Ayla!" Todoroki shouted, charging forward along side the redhead. "Midoriya has it!"

Smirking somewhere far in the sidelines, Ayla used her quirk and switched positions with the freckled-boy, gripping her hand tightly around the brown scroll and shot her arm up. "I got it! Guys let's escape—!" she yelled but when she saw her teammates in battle, her voice dropped.

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