Chapter 1 : Perfect Strangers

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The wind howls as the students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends are greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch. Soon everybody walks inside to attend their classes. Everybody goes in except one as all is quiet; the new girl smiles to herself. There was an explosion in her brain—the good sort. The type that carries more possibilities than she could be conscious of but there were hundreds of ideas there in that buzz of electricity. She could feel it. It was the calling card of adventure, of paths awaiting her feet. Whatever was ahead could be a great challenge, and there could be tears, but it was her adventure to take. So she smiled. The ideas would come, probably when she least expected it, so she took a step. "This is my chance to start anew..." she thinks before smiling and running in to join the others. Walking in, the halls were just as prestigious as she thought. The hallways are dark marble floors and white walls, not a hand print or scuff mark anywhere. The doors are a glossy black, with the respective signs indicating the year and class. It isn't just the materials though, it's the dimensions, the width being at least twice that of her old school.

Her head whirled around when she heard the sounds of heels approaching her. The blonde's eyes fell upon a curvaceous woman with sky blue eyes and a red mask outlining them. Capped with spiky dark purple hair, there is small mole under her left eye, as well as her tight famous white bodysuit. Midnight was one of the heroes Ayla looked up to growing up. She was her mother's best friend, so she saw her quite often. And during those many times, the pro-hero spoiled her rotten—despite's Ayla's family's unrivalled wealth.

"Ayla!" said the pro-hero, a grin stretched over her lips as she strut closer. "You're finally here!"

Seeing a familiar face in such an unfamiliar and huge building caused a a smile to spread on her features. "Hey, Nemuri!"

The purple-haired woman pulled her into a hug. "Welcome to U.A, kid."

"I wanted to thank you for sending those official recommendations." Ayla said, hugging her back.

"It was no problem at at all." said Nemuri, pulling away slightly to look at her. "Besides, you're basically my daughter and I know how much you wanted to become a hero despite your father's ideals."

"I don't know why he's so against me being a hero." Ayla's cheeks huffed out, muttering her words so low Nemuri barely heard her. "My mom was a pro-hero, so why can't I be one too?"

"Where are you staying now?" The woman asked.

"I managed to get a house with the amount of money I had when I left home." said Ayla.

"I'm taking it you're trying to use as less money as possible from your father?"

"I'd rather die than touch anything that belongs to him. And if I spend money from my account, he'll track me down and send his men to come fetch me."

"Does he know you're at U.A?"

"I don't think so." the purple-eyed girl shrugged her shoulders. "He probably thinks I've run away to my aunt's place again."

"I don't how long you can stay hidden. Reporters tend to keep track on U.A students."

"I know..." Ayla whispered defeated. "There's just this part of me that believes if he sees me doing well here, he'll leave me alone..."

Not wanting to press the subject any further, Nemuri turned on her heel and wrapped an arm around the blonde's shoulders, dragging her along. "I called you at this time since everyone is in class. Now the halls are empty so it's easier for me to show you a tour."

* * * * *

Slipping on the full-length jacket, the green formal skirt and putting on the red necktie of U.A's uniform, Ayla paused to look at herself in the mirror. This has been her dream. To become a pro-hero just like her mother. After meeting Principal Nezu and fetching her schedule, she found out she was in Class 1-A.

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