Month 2

957 22 11

~Hawks POV~

*a month later*

I was getting dressed for work when I first noticed it: a small, barely noticeable bump. I smiled, knowing that this made it feel more real. Touya wrapped his arms around my waist, hands tracing over the bump.

"Beautiful," he said, causing me to blush.

"I have to go to work" I replied, trying to untangle myself from his hold.

He obliged, kissing my cheek and saying "Be careful".

"I always am" I replied, grabbing my jacket and mask before heading off to work.

*after work*

I had come home about an hour ago and was currently curled up next to Dabi. Curiously, I was tracing over one of the purple patches on his skin.

'I wonder if it tastes like grapes?' I thought, leaning closer to lick at the patch.

I heard Touya chuckle before asking, "What are you doing, little bird?"

"I wanted to see if the purple patch tasted like grapes because of its color" I replied, blushing.

"Little bird, it's just purple skin. It tastes like skin" he said, nuzzling me.

DabiHawks: In the BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now