Post Nightmare Cuddles

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"WAAAHHH!" Dabi woke up to his son's crying. He glanced over at the clock and sighed as it read 2:15am. He shifted the blanket and sat up.

Sensing movement from the other side of the bed, Hawks opened his eyes to see Dabi get up.

"Touya..?" he tiredly said. "What's wrong?"

"Kat's crying again," Dabi walked over to his side and leaned down to give him a kiss. "Go back to sleep. I've got him."

"Alright," Hawks wrapped his wing around the alpha in a brief hug before settling back under the covers. Once his mate was fast asleep, Dabi made his way over to the nursery.

"Hey bud," he said as he walked over to the crib. "What's wrong, huh?" He was just under two months old and already Dabi could tell Katsuba was getting bigger.

He leaned down into the crib and picked up his son, who was reaching up for him. Dabi's fingers grazed over his wings, feeling the tiny feathers that were beginning to grow in.

"Shhhhh," he comforted him, holding Kat close to his neck. "It's alright. Daddy's here." Kat's crying slowly died down into soft whimpers as his son gently grabbed at his staples. Dabi carefully slipped his finger in between and let Kat hold it as he sat down in the rocking chair.

"Another nightmare, huh?" He readjusted Kat to hold him in his arms. "Don't worry. I won't let the shadows get you. You're safe now." He rocked back and forth and hummed a tune that his mother used to. Before he knew it, Kat had fallen asleep in his arms.

Dabi sighed as he watched his son gently sleeping; only the faintest evidence of tears remained. He continued to hold him for a while before gently putting him back in the crib. He moved the plush of Hawks closer and replaced it for his finger. Kat made happy sounds as he tightened his grip on the plush.

"Sweet dreams, bud," Dabi gently kissed his son's cheek before closing the crib gate and returning to his room.

DabiHawks: In the BeginningWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu