First Thought Of You

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Regina 👑: "Ugh poor people, well who should I ki- who is that!? She's beautiful, wait what am I talking about she's a commoner, she's nothing, but she is pretty, hmmm"

Emma 👮‍♀️: "Ugh I don't know what's uo that woman Regina's ass but she needs to chill, ugh I just need a coffee, finally i- holy shit! She's i- stop staring idiot you're probably freaking her out! Maybe staying herein Storybrooke might not be the worst idea."

Zelena 👠: "Ugh i just can't take my father he's so rude, wait what was that noise, oh its just a girl, huh her name is y/n, she seems nice. I hope I can see her more often."

Ruby 🐺: "Apparently Snow has a friend she wants me to meet, i hope she is ok with me being a wolf, what if she's scared of me, snow promised she wouldnt but i dont know, oh my god, this is her? I didn't expect her to be so . . . . Beautiful, her names y/n, that's such a pretty name, I hope she likes me."

Snow 🗡: "I need to sell this ring and wait what the hell, oh great its that Prince again and who's that with him, she's pretty, stop getting distracted snow of course they want the ring back, i just need to outsmart them, how hard can that be . . . . . Apparently harder than i thought. She's really smart."

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