Seven • Possible Repercussions

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Two Days Later - August 15, 2018



Ah, Mondays...

Don't you just love Mondays?

I stepped foot inside the women's locker room for Wrestlemania Training.

Sasha and Naomi were beside me, talking away.

I began changing into my gear until Sasha tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Bay, do you have a hair tie I can use?" She asked me. I nodded with a chuckle, "Here Sash. Make sure to give it back."

Sasha then smiled, "Thanks Bay."

I stripped off my shirt and took off my pants, replacing them for my training gear. After I finished changing, I went to the mirrors to inspect myself.

I tightened my side high ponytail and smiled.

"Perfect." I whispered.

Sasha and Naomi then joined me by the mirrors. "You guys ready for the day?" Naomi asked with a sarcastic chuckle.

"Mhm." I mumbled.

"Yeah, just not for conditioning because my ankle really hurts. I rolled it yesterday when I went to the gym with Nattie." Sasha said with a groan.

"Tell Lita or Stratus. I'm sure they will understand." I suggested.

Sasha nodded, "Yeah.

Lita then announced for us to go ahead and walk over to the main gym. Naomi then separated from us and went with two other girls which left Sasha and I.

Seth saw us from the distance and made his way to us.

"Hey guys," Seth started.

"Hello Rollins." Sasha giggled as she leaned her head on his upper arm. I then raised an eyebrow.

"Am I missing something?"

Seth and Sasha turned to me.

"You didn't tell her?" Seth asked Sasha, smirking. Sasha shook her head, disagreeing. "What? What am I missing Sash?" I asked with a small chuckle.

"Seth and I are dating." Sasha explained.

My eyes widened.

"Oh congrats!" I giggled happily.

Seth and Sasha smiled, until Seth spoke. "So when were you and Rebecca planning on telling us that you two were together? Or the fact you're facing Alexa and she's facing Lacey next Friday?"

I stood silent as those words escaped Seth's lips.

"How did yo-"

Sasha then explained.

"Bayley, everyone knows about the matches. It's all over campus and school. Even the teachers are hyping everything up. As for you and Becks, I saw you two at that cafe everyone loves." Sasha said.

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