Chapter-7 Contract marriage??

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What the hell is he doing in there. I know he is her assistant but why is he always near her like a shadow?

Karan passed him a blank look seeing the man in front of him give him killer gazes but inside he was scared head to toe. If looks could kill he knew he would be long dead by now. Rey entered the room crossing him and came across her standing in front of the huge glass door which separated the open terrace of the hotel room and her living. She was in her designer business attire as usual looking beautiful and sexy at the same time.

Taani turned towards him hearing his footsteps announcing his arrival

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Taani turned towards him hearing his footsteps announcing his arrival. He admit he was shocked for a minute when his assistant called him saying she wants to meet him in her hotel room urgently. He thought that she might want to discuss about their marriage date seeing it has been fixed now and also why she agreed on marrying him early. He looked for any positive expressions on her face that would hint him that she was ready to forgive him and give him a second chance but her face was blank as usual making it very difficult for him to read her like before. He began assuming she was not going to say something first,

"You wanted to meet me?"

She nodded before gesturing him to take a seat, he settled himself on the couch while she sat across him with Karan behind her.

"What would you have, coffee, drink or anything?" She asked formally while he hated her formal behavior with him. She was behaving as if he was a business client instead of the person she loved a lot once upon a time and her soon to be going husband. He remembered the time when she would talk so freely with him, talk all the stuff and would blabber nonsense making cute faces which sometimes irritated him but now how he wished to hear her blabber again like that. He puts his thought aside and replied to her,

"Coffee would do."

She gestured Karan to prepare coffee and the guy did passing their cups to them, Rey took a sip before placing his cup back on table and turning to her,

"So you wanted to talk about something?" He asked curiously, all hopes of her forgiving him going down the drain seeing her cold and dry behavior with him.

She took the file Karan passed to her and give it to him,

"What is this?" Rey asked confused when she nonchalantly said,

"Read on." Rey opened the file and read the content inside the file which set his blood on fire. He turned to her with anger blazing in his eyes but he tried to keep patience knowing his anger would not do them any good, it never did in past.

"What is the meaning of this Taani? How could you?" He asked enraged while she shrugged her shoulders still with a blank expression,

"What is wrong with this, its beneficial for both of us."

"Are you out of your mind Taani, what made you bloody think that I would have a fucking contract marriage with you?" He spat out holding the contract in his hand which stated that they would be married for only six months and then part ways on mutual basis.

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