Garett sighed his disbelief. Meanwhile he felt the pride of the alumnai's rising. Unbelievable.

"Very well." Garett said. "I must find the one destined for the mala ball. And one of you will assist me."
Garett said, looking around and feeling for the best mind. Amazing. He could feel almost every mind in the village.

He was surprised when he stopped at Amish.

"You are the oldest in this village." Garett said in surprise.

"Looks can be deceiving." Amish said with a smile. Indeed, for under that beauty, she was over six hundred years. And she was fiercer than she seemed now. Something lethal.

"You will accompany me to meet the destined." Garett said. "He or she will need proof of the existence of mythical creatures, and who better than the oldest."

"But elves cannot glamour themselves." Xander protested. "She will be attacked not long after notice."

"I will glamour her." Garett said. They looked visibly perplexed. Clearly they didn't know all the powers of the myths.

It was at that moment that Garett could feel the life of the fairy sitting on the table. He felt her mind and she acknowledged him with a mental touch.


The fairy in front of them was more dangerous than she appeared. It turned out they could move and think at a speed such that she could almost see the alumnai realm in a normal sense. Very fast, very interesting.

"What If the evil breaks through the barrier before you arrive with the destined?" Gruff asked

"We will arrive before the evil." Garett said, then looked to the staff in his hand. "It seems I can now teleport myself some distance. Carrying Amish would slow me down. But we will be here soon."

They all still looked troubled. Garett could understand. This was a lot to take in even for him.

"I cannot soothe you with much, but this knowledge I offer. You know your power is not magic, what you need to know is what it is. Before the other side was uninhabitable, it was the habitation of a power we called Ye juai. It was a large ball that hovered in the sky. It was what powered every creature. No one stayed in it's area for respect to its power. Then Babayega, the only creature of her kind even then, went to ye juai in her quest for more power."

"Wait. Babayega is female?" Ava asked

Garett stood silent in thought for a moment.

"It would appear so." Garett said, then continued. "Babayega cracked ye juai, causing its power to fracture in two balances. It sent the true ye juai to remain in the bodies of all mythical creatures, but it rewarded Babayega's malicious intent with half of its power changed into what they named magic, meaning harm. She became more powerful than any other. But at the cost of not being able to associate with any of her kind again. Because she brought harm to those she would care for. Her punishment was to live her eternity lonely, because ye juai was so strong that it made her a pure immortal like the myths. She could not die. This was two thousand years ago." This was met with gasps.

"So now you know what you're from. You are made of ye juai." Garett said.

"We appreciate this knowledge Alum." The Chief said. And Garett couldn't help but feel that he had stopped being looked upon as who he was. They looked at him now with eerie reverence. Except Gruff whose face was stiff.

"This mala ball." Garett said again. "It is pure ye juai. It appeared to the myths when the large ye juai orb was destroyed. It holds it's pure power. The myths believe that it was sent as an apology from the ye juai, because it lashed out at Babayega in such a way that there would be a great consequence for its action."

"Perfect." Roudog said in a sarcastic tone, earning a glare from everyone.

"The ball will be of great assistance in the future." Garett said.

"Assistance?" Nathan asked.

"The evil is quite powerful. We will need all the help we can get. You will understand in the future." Garett said.

In the future, Garett thought. The myth's knowledge were so powerful that they could glimpse the future.

"So when do you leave?" Asked Xander

"In four weeks." Garett said.

"Why four weeks Alum?" Amish asked

"Because in four weeks...the destined will have cause to leave where he is."

MALAKAI (The 'Mala Series' book 1)Where stories live. Discover now