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"guys," haruhi busted through the hsot club doors. "what is going on with y/n?"

"is there something wrong?" tamaki asked with visual concern.

"so you noticed something too.." karou spoke aloud.

"what are we supposed to be noticing!"

"it's hard to explain," karou said, "it's like she completely hates herself."

"she doesn't think she has any importance at all. and today she was even worse. she said "thanks for everything" then walked off."

"oh no..." honey hugged his stuffed rabbit closely, "will she not come here anymore?"

kyoya was completely silent and still as everyone else was covered in worry. 'thanks for everything.' isn't that a goodbye?

"she's probably going to go to a different school," he concluded. but that doesn't sound right, does it?

"she was being bullied," mori spoke.

"that's right... and we never did anything about it either..." haruhi was clearly regretting not helping more. she thought that getting y/n to spend the most time with them would help, however, it only made matters worse.

"god, this school," she said, conflicted.


"y/n said she was going to keep studying. she can't be going to a different school then, right?"

karou looked out the window, seeing "her" leaving the school without a single book in hand.

"she's leaving!"

"i'll get her," honey said, handing his bunny to mori.

"she's already out of sight, senpai."

they were out of time.

Self Conscious [ohshc x reader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora