Chapter 25 - Who are you?

Start from the beginning

"Kid, you sure she's not home?" Mr. Stark asks for the 3rd time this ride.

"I'm sure." I say and the car halts to a stop and I step out. "I won't be long." I close the door and walk up to the apartment. I then hear a car door slam close and not a second later, Mr. Stark is standing next to me.

"Feels like forever since I was here." He laughs and I take the key to the outside door and open it. Mr. Stark follows close behind and we walk up the stairs until we're outside my aparment door.

I pull down the handle, a habit of mine, and the door opens. I jump a little, not expecting that. May Never forgets to lock the door. I look up at Mr. Stark and he can tell somethings off from my reaction.

"What's wrong?" he asks and I carefully make my way into the apartment.

"May never forgets to lock the door." I whisper and he frowns a little.

"Never? wow, that's commitment right there." He comments and I roll my eyes.

I focus intensively on my hearing and I can hear mine and Mr. Starks heartbeats. I can even hear my neighbors hearbeats, but I make sure to focus on the sounds in the apartment.

I can hear that the AC is still on, a lightbulb is soon going to stop working but I can't hear any sound that would belong to May. So she's not home. The sound of heartbeats and other things around the place creeps me out a little, so I try to focus on something else.

"She's not home. I can't hear her." I say, realizing how tense my shoulders are.

"Well, maybe she is here, but we can't hear her because-" I cut him off.

"No really. She's not here. I can't hear any other heartbeat in the apartment except for ours and the neighbors over and below us." I explain, looking over at him and he looks a little confused. "Enhanced hearing, remember? But let me tell you. Heartbeats can be really creepy to listen to." I shiver.

"Right." Mr. Stark hums. "Now go get your stuff and then we'll be out of here." I nod, walking over to my room and packing my clothes in a big plastic bag. I take out a small box from under my bed and open it.

Inside are pictures of my parents, one with me and Ben. There's one from Stark Expo 2010 and then there's just some small stuff that belonged to Ben or my parents. But there's also a small musicbox that sadly is broken, but I remember my mom using it when I had to sleep.

My spidey sense is suddenly telling me someone is watching me, and with a hasty movement, I turn my head and see Mr. Stark lean against the door frame, his arms over his chest. For a moment a memory of May flashed before my eyes. That one night when after I skipped school and she stood by the door, leaning her figure against the door frame.

I quickly blink the thought away and look down into the box again. There's also a dog tag that belonged to my grampa. I take it out and look at it for a moment. Mr. Stark walks over and leans down over my shoulder to look at it too.

"You have a dog tag? No wait, this one's... it's from World War 2?" He says surprised.

"It belonged to my grampa when he fought in the war." I smile, handing the object over to him. "My parents named me after my gramps."

(Apparently, Peters grandfather was also called Peter.)

"Huh, that's neat." he remarks, handing me the tag back. I put it back in the box and close it. I then stand up, take the plastic bag with my clothes and other stuff I need and we walk back into the living room.

All of a sudden, the phone in the living room starts ringing and I look up at Mr. Stark. I hand him the box and walk over to it, reluctantly picking it up. On the other line, a woman starts speaking.

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