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mattia remembers the day when his dreams came true. he was a little delirious and sleepy, but he couldn't forget it. not even a million, trillion years.


mattia sent kairi another meme, it was one of of mr. krabs turned around and scratching his bare ass cheek. he knew it was one of his favorites and how kai would giggle adorably every time he saw it.

kairi had been complaining to mattia about his issues of not being able to sleep all day. it started a couple days ago. mattia sent a goodnight text and kairi sent back a sad face made of a colon and a left parentheses. mattia remembers how he rolled onto his back on his bed, staring at the hideous popcorn ceiling and how his heart picked up. he wondered how could one little person could be seemingly built for mattia, perfect for him in every possible way. from the traits they shared to the ones that were polar opposite but complimented each other nicely, kairi was just a nice fit with mattia. he couldn't help but hope that kairi felt the same way.

so that's why, when kairi went on to explain he just couldn't sleep recently and he wasn't sure why, mattia promised he would keep him entertained until he could. if alejandro were here, he'd probably slap mattia on the back of his head and completely clown on him for being a simp. not that mattia would've cared either way, he could take whatever it meant spending a few extra hours with the japanese boy.

and so the next few days were filled with 6+ hour facetime calls, memes, deep conversations they wouldn't remember, gta online, and very, very little sleep.

eventually, the amount of sleep mattia was getting had caught up to him. he'd really tried his best to stay awake with his kai and listen to the precious voice that made mattia think of honey, but he'd just end up passing out. kairi's extra-loud, conspicuous ringtone would always ring out and wake him back up within a few hours.

he thinks at least; he wasn't sure. everything after that promise was more or less a blur.

on the third day, mattia caught himself snapping at kairi and with the inability to focus on anything for more than a few seconds. the italian finally had to draw the line when he almost fainted in the shower.

his phone was stood up on the shower shelf on the wall opposite of the shower head. it was a facetime call so mattia made sure kairi couldn't see anything below his nipples. kairi's camera was facing the ceiling fan of his bedroom. he tried to focus on shampooing his hair, but his fingers massaging his scalp just felt too nice and the cold wall felt very refreshing in juxtaposition to the scalding hot water. he just rested his cheek against the wall and closed his eyes, he promised himself it would only be for a few seconds. he was only resting his eyes, but it just felt so nice, mattia could just sleep on it-

"mattia! what are you doing? rinse your hair, jackass." kairi giggled on the other line. his handsome face now fully on display. mattia took the time to notice his eyes were droopy; they had dark, heavy bags on them. the delicate, slender hand mattia enjoyed holding so much was now wrapped up in the sleeve of his hoodie, coming up to his mouth to cover a yawn.

mattia gushed a little bit at him. fully taking in and appreciating the dreamy boy, as the sleepy feeling lured him back to the wall before he snapped out of it.

"fuck, kai. i can't do this anymore, come to my house. i can't do this sleep thing anymore." mattia furrowed his brows and rubbed his eyes, wondering if what the fuck he was saying made any sense.

"a-are you mad at me, tia? you can go to sleep if you want, I thought you were doing this because you wanted to." kairi sounded so dejected and looked down at his lap. mattia finally felt himself truly focus a little bit with the panic.

cuddles - mairi Where stories live. Discover now