She laughed to herself as she wrote down 'A Professor will be sacked right in front of my eyes' on November 13, imagining one of the Carrows getting kicked off the grounds.

"Which Professor are you wishing that upon?" A voice asks.  Paz tilts her head up, locking eyes with Theo.  

She ignores him and puts her head down, continuing to write.  He sighs, sitting in an identical emerald colored chair opposite of her.  

"How is Dumbledore's Army treating you?"

"I don't have a clue what you're talking about."

"I know you do, Paz.  You and your pals should be more careful, Snape and the Carrows don't seem too happy you're painting all over the walls."

Paz looks up, glaring at Theo.  "I think whoever is painting on the walls is trying to make a statement."

"I completely agree, I think it's quite brave of them," Theo smiles, trying to get Paz to do the same.  He was not successful.  "Just talk to me, Paz."

Paz continues to write down her dreams for the month, while Theo watches her, waiting for her to say something.  He watches the way her hair falls into her face and how she doesn't bother to pull it back because it always ends up in front of her eyes.  He notices that once one hand grows too tired to keep writing, she switches her quill to her opposite hand and continues to write.  

The way her eyebrows scrunch together when concentrating, the way her light brown eyes look in the dim lighting, the light freckles that are scattered about on her face.  He takes it all in, wishing he could turn back time so he could see her face light up with laughter again, watch the way she would school him in Quidditch in Draco's backyard, the look on her face when he would compliment her.  

"Stop staring Nott." Paz states bluntly as she finishes up the last few days on her dream chart.

Theo let out a loud, dramatic sigh.  Paz rolls her eyes at this.

"What could you possibly want from me?  Pansy and Blaise got the message, when will you?"

"Probably never.  A life without Paz Parkinson isn't a life worth living." Theo says, earning a blush from Paz despite her attempts to hide it.  "I don't care all that much who is on what side, I dont want to lose you, I feel like I already have."

Paz sighs, throwing her Divination work in her bag.  

"You haven't lost me, Theo, you're never going to.  I'm afraid you're probably stuck with me for the rest of your life," Paz softly laughs.  "But right now, our lives are moving in different directions, and you can't be oblivious to that.  You can't expect me to drop everything just to give you attention everyday."

"I don't want you to drop everything, I just would like to be a part of your life again.  I want to see you happy again."

Theo watches as Paz rubs her eyes, the bags under them larger than usual.  Cuts and bruises cover her face and arms and he wishes nothing but to hold her tight and never let anyone hurt her again.  

"Theo, I think it's obvious you know how I feel about you, how I've felt about you since I met you.  But right now, it's not our time.  It may be our time after this war ends, or it may never be out time at all.  But right now?  I don't think I can handle anything more than I already am."

"But Paz-"

"Please, Theo, not right now." Paz states, grabbing her bag and standing up. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Paz begins towards the girls dormitories.  She wasn't able to get far due to someone pulling her arm back, spinning her around.  Before she gets a chance to register what is happening, Theo cups her face in his hands and crashes his lips against hers.  Paz stays startled for a moment, before finally letting her guard down and giving in, kissing him back.  

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