MeNtAlLy DiStuRbeD Llama

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(in which we lose our shit lmao)(on another note this is why you don't stay up for three nights straight kids; you'll get woozy like hella)

 Sunday, 3:58a.m.

cconfusdllama: oi romeo, romeo

cconfusdllama: why tf is u romeo and why u no with me

Bootyyyshaker9000: holy shit the angel fucking speakethsksksk

Bootyyyshaker9000: wish i was the fsskckin keybord

Bootyyyshaker9000: so that i may have the joy of feelisjsns ur tousch

Bootyyyshaker9000: ajdfjfkdkskkhf julietta

cconfusdllama: lmao dude when was the last time you slept

Bootyyyshaker9000: idk what day is it

cconfusdllama: go to sleep mate

Bootyyyshaker9000: hngffnoo >:[

cconfusdllama: rockabye baby bitch go tf to sleep

Bootyyyshaker9000: but I wanna talk w u :((

Bootyyyshaker9000: it's been,,so long,,

cconfusdllama: it's only been four days drama queen

cconfusdllama: but yeah I missed you too

Bootyyyshaker9000: uwu

cconfusdllama: you disgust me and I now fear your drunk persona

cconfusdllama: literally wtf don

Bootyyyshaker9000: uwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu

 cconfusdllama: You can no longer reply to this conversation.

  Bootyyyshaker9000: whwhwhahh did you block mee

  Bootyyyshaker9000: Imma gonna hautn you

  Bootyyyshaker9000: BOO

  Bootyyyshaker9000: I sCared you didn't I huehue

  cconfusdllama: stop. I beg of you

  Bootyyyshaker9000: h wanna see a turtle man backflipping into a toilet

 cconfusdllama: not if you're the one attempting it 

 cconfusdllama: I don't wanna get charged for assisted murder

  cconfusdllama: Donnie?

  cconfusdllama: Donnie where'd you go

  cconfusdllama: Don

  cconfusdllama: DON


  Bootyyyshaker9000: :) i did it :)

  cconfusdllama: ..okay at least ur still alive

  cconfusdllama: Might I inquire wtf the results were?

  Bootyyyshaker9000: :)

  Bootyyyshaker9000: I'm gonna need about a couple dozen showers

  cconfusdllama: dude, ily, but gross

  cconfusdllama: what were you thinking man

  cconfusdllama: actually, were you even thinking at all

  Bootyyyshaker9000: as offended as I am, frankly I agree

  Bootyyyshaker9000: The toilet water has sobered me

  Bootyyyshaker9000: And I will be taking those showers now, goodnight 

  cconfusdllama: ahahahahahhah

  cconfusdllama: goodnight, stinky ♡

(Hoo boi what a trip)

(If yall didn't realise these triple update titles are based on the llama song LMFAO)

(I actually doodled the toilet scene but wattpad won't let me attach the image and I had to rewrite this scene dammit)

(I posted it on tumblr tho if you wanna look lol)

(Link>> (copy and paste it lmao

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