
Start from the beginning

But she knew she had to ask Eunbi when they could meet up or there's gonna be no work done.

Suji was executing a plan in her head before slowly walked towards Eunbi.

Before Suji could even say a word, Eunbi rolled her eyes and went to a group of girls nearby them.

She blinked countless times and didn't know what to do, so she just stood there and procrastinated.

"I'll try again tomorrow.." She whispered to herself.


"Suji!" Suji heard from behind her. She looked back to see Youngtaek rushing towards her.

"Ooh Youngtaek!" She was able to put on a smile and walked slightly before he reached her.

He stopped right in front of her, "Are you going anywhere?"

"Yeah, actually I'm meeting up with somebody."

"Can I come? Sorry to be a bother but I've got nothing to do." He smiled more brightly this time.

"I uh-" She hesitated. "Sure." Suji was genuinely happy someone wanted to come with her.

"So where are we going?" He asked.

They were now using the bus, heading to the Pledis building.

"You'll see."

"Okay." He smiled.

Once the bus reached their stop, she got off and headed towards Pledis.

"Pledis?? You go to Pledis?" He asked amazed as he looked at the building which towered both of them.

"No, my friend does." She giggled and headed towards the same alley Mingyu and Suji went to.

"This is Pledis?" He asked.

Gee he has lots of questions to ask

"No, this is just where we're going to meet my friend."

"Here?" He asked.


Suji stopped at the spot and noticed Mingyu wasn't there.

"It's dark." He said.

"Yep, but he knows his way around here."

"Oh okay..." He trailed off, he was probably thinking that Suji was friends with the wrong people by now.

It's been minutes and then almost an hour.

"Suji, is he coming yet?" He asked getting impatient from the time. All they were doing was just talking and him asking questions on when he'd come.

Why was he so desperate to know if he's coming? She thought, it was fine to ask questions since Suji doesn't get impatient easily but when the questions start to go overboard then that's the time she feels like squeezing her own head till it bursts.

"I think he'll be here soon.. He's never this late to be honest." She exclaimed taking a glimpse of her watch.

After minutes, Mingyu came running in the dark and towards Suji.

"Suji!" He yelled. Suji turned her head and smiled as she waited for him to come to her.

"Who's this?" He asked, He turned his head to Youngtaek.

"Youngtaek, my new friend." She presented him in the most happiest way

"Hello." Youngtaek bowed in the dark.

Mingyu couldn't really see Youngtaek because of the dark.

"Youngtaek..?" He asked, still clueless as to what was going on.

"Yeah, why?" Suji was confused because of Mingyu's expression, it was hard to see in the dark but he knew it wasn't a welcoming one.

"Because.." He got cut off by Youngtaek.

"Suji, who's this?"

"That's Mingyu." Suji presented Mingyu and her voice got quieter by the second.

Youngtaek's smiley expression dropped hearing 'Mingyu'.

Suji noticed they were just looking at each other with cold eyes.

Her eyes already adjusted to the dark and both of them didn't seem to like eschother, but they just met??

Youngtaek suddenly said "I'll be going now, I'll call you Suji." He said and asked for Suji's number, he gave her his cordless phone number and waved goodbye to him.

"Anyways, why were you late?" Suji asked.

Mingyu quickly changed his direction to Suji.


Suji looked closer and saw a small bandaid in his right cheek.

"Did you get into a fight?" She asked with a concerned face and gently touched his right cheek with her left hand since they were facing eachother.

Mingyu held Suji's hand that was touching his cheek. He felt at ease whenever Suji did small actions like those, it really made his day.

"Maybe, so keep your hand there." He smiled.



"Excuse me.." Mingyu heard a shy voice coming from behind him. He turned back clueless.

"Hm?" He asked seeing a small girl looking up at him.

"I.." She shyly said and then was able to gather up the courage to say something. "Like you." She finally said.

Mingyu was taken aback with that.

He laughed and patted her head. "Sorry, I don't feel the same way. And no dating allowed so you can't expect me to accept your confession."

The girl was in the break of tearing up.

"Oh don't cry.." He said and bent down. "I'm sorry, but it's true." He patted her shoulder two times before leaving with his hands in his pockets.

And then after a few minutes...

"Mingyu!" He heard when he was about to go to the alley. He turned around clueless to see a guy who looked older than him and he was with some boys.


"What did you say about my sister?" The older boy said with his fists tightened.

"What sister?"

The guy clenched his fists and headed towards Mingyu, then punched him in his right cheek.

"What the hell!" Mingyu yelled and fought back.

"You bastard!" He cursed at Mingyu with pure hatred evident in his voice.

"What did I ever do, you punk?"

It was on and off fighting, with some tiny breaks until an instructor came out, stopping the fight.

"Vernon! I told you to come to my office a while ago." His head changed towards Mingyu.

"You also come." He ordered.


Suji invited Mingyu to her house and was cleaning his wounds.

"Still, that guy should get banned from being a trainee there!" She hissed.

"I'm okay." He said.

"No you aren't!" She said and looked at Mingyu again, they locked eyes for some time before she noticed a wound above his left eye and started to clean that area.

"If you got really injured how would you even perform?" She argued.

Mingyu held Suji's waist as a sign of saying 'I'm okay'.

Suji stopped her actions and nodded slightly, that touch sent her shivers.

"I'm okay, okay?"


hello everyone

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