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*:・゚enjoy this first chapter!

Suji was waiting for her number to be called as she was sitting down. It was audition day and her mom came all the way from Daegu to be by her side, she didn't know anyone except for her mom.

"Mom, I'm nervous.." Suji said, looking at her mom.

"Don't be, I'm pretty sure you'll do a great job." Suji's mom put her hand on top of Suji's hand.

"Number 177?" The director called out, Suji was number 178 meaning she's the next performer.

Her stomach clenched but she tried to calm herself down.

"Just know, that outside of the audition room, I'll be cheering for you!"

"Yes mom, I will try my best!" Suji said smiling even though she was still so nervous.

Suji got casted when she recorded a video of her acting and sent it to the CEO because video auditions were open that time. After a few months Suji got a message saying she passed and all they needed to do was see her audition live, and give Suji their final thoughts to see if she will be a trainee or not.

The judges were strict, they're really picky with picking trainees. Suji's just 1 out of 150 performers auditioning today, there's more auditions in different days.

"Number 178?" The director called out and Suji stood up, she looked back at her mom one last time before entering the room.

There were five judges and a camera in the room which made her even more anxious.

"Name?" One of the judges asked, he looked like he was in his 40's, and was wearing a nice suit.

"Suji. Lee Suji."

"Birthday?" He asked again.

"20th of March, 1998." Suji said quietly, she was shy.

"We've reviewed your application.." A young lady wearing all black said, she looked like she was going to a funeral.

Suji held her breath, "And it's all good." Suji released her breath, she was relieved.

"Thank you." Suji said.

"What song will you be performing?" A man said; who was the CEO.

"Actually I'll be acting-"

"Can you do anything other than acting?" He asked again.

"Well I guess I can dance a bit-"

"Okay, we'll put a song on and you'll have to dance to it, freestyling." The CEO stated.

Suji's eyes widened and her heart was pounding so much, her stomach turned upside down, "Aaaaahahaha nono..." She muttered under her breath.

There's no way I'm getting through this.. Suji thought.

The song they played was Gold by M.I.A, Suji heard this song before and knew the rhythm and beat of the song well. At first, her body was tense as hell but after a few seconds of just stalling, she started to dance to the flow of the music. Her body was just doing stuff itself while the camera was recording the whole time.

The song ended after 1 minute of Suji dancing.

"Not bad.. That went really well." One of the judges said.

"I agree, you don't have much experience in dancing, but that went very good." One judge stated.

"You were dancing to the flow of the music, the beat, the rhythm, everything was just so amazing. I must admit you're pretty good at freestyling." Another judge said, Suji assumed it was the dance instructor.

The Clouds Above (Lee Suji & Mingyu FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang