The Rain Will Wash it Away

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Oliver had been keeping himself hidden away in their rooms, shuffling himself into the living room or his room. Sebastian had told him that Molly had a friend who had her degrees in child psychology as well as teenage and adult eating disorders. Oliver promised he would try, but if he didn't have a good feeling from her than he would ask for someone else.

Sebastian had stayed in their rooms too, working on the couch or in the kitchen to get his work done. Oliver hadn't said anything about it (knowing Sebastian was freaked out as it was- not wanting to leave him alone) but Oliver didn't mind the company. Sometimes they would talk like nothing was wrong, and sometimes it was so quiet to Oliver that it made him on edge.

Sebastian was worried sick. He'd be relieved that Oliver would eat something, but the amount he ate was ridiculously small. Oliver would go to the gym at night so he wouldn't have to run in to anybody. Sebastian let him, knowing Oliver was still a grown ass man and would want some alone time. Oliver had asked if the family knew, Sebastian slowly nodded at him. Oliver hid himself in his room for most of the day when Sebastian told him that. Oliver had barely been eating anything, not being able to go to the gym as much as he wanted. He knew if he stayed too long when he went at night he would worry Sebastian. Their kisses were few and far between, Oliver's heart slowly sinking.

Oliver was currently in the kitchen eating eggs and a single piece of toast that Sebastian had made him (the man figuring out the toaster).

"You ready to see Karen?" Sebastian asked, having poured himself a bowl of cereal. Oliver nodded, fiddling with his fork in nervousness. Sebastian didn't say much else.

When Oliver was done, Sebastian grabbed his hand, the two walking to the medical wing. The halls were pretty empty of pack members, Oliver side glancing at Sebastian.

"What?" Sebastian asked, turning to Oliver who quickly turned away.

"It's nothing," Oliver said, Sebastian frowning.

"Tell me?" Sebastian asked gently, squeezing Oliver's hand.

"It's just, um, it feels like we haven't held hands in forever," Oliver whispered, feeling his cheeks pink.

God that sounds stupid Oliver thought to himself, feeling Sebastian's hand tighten even more around his.

"You're right, if does feel like it's been forever," Sebastian said. The two arrived at the hospital wing, seeing Molly talking to a woman about her same age that had light brown hair with streaks of gray in it. She was taller than Molly and had a warm air about her.

The two women turned to them, Karen's smile warm and happy.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Karen Brooks. You can call me Karen or Brooks or whatever floats your boat," Karen said, shaking both Sebastian's hand and Oliver's.

"I'm, um, Oliver," Oliver said nervously.

"Nice to meet you Oliver. Molly was telling me a bit about your blood tests and such. If you would like Oliver, I'd like our first meeting to be getting to know a little about each other. See what's up," Karen said kindly.

That... that sounded okay Oliver thought, though he was still on guard.

"You're welcome to have your mate with you, but I usually like the first meeting to be just you and then you decide where you want it to go," Karen said. Oliver chewed on his lip, feeling the heat from Sebastian's hand supporting him.

"If you think it's better with just me the first time, we can do that," Oliver said after a long moment.

"Okay, let's go over into this room for a bit," Karen said. Oliver looked at Sebastian who kissed him on the lips, Oliver flushing a bit at that.

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