It was pitch black and the canopy of trees allowed no light. Everything was covered in shadows, darkness, and trees. The trunks were as thick as automobiles, and their roots were about the height of a dining table. Meaning you had to crawl over them to get anywhere if you could even see where you were going that is.

"What the Hecate?" Nico stumbled in the roots, his hands reached out blindly but he mine as well have no eyes for all the help they served him.

"Welcome to the deepest parts of the forest," Alex said, mustering all his courage to act tough. "Enjoy your stay, I'm sure it won't be long till the monster's scent you," Alex smirked, even though Nico couldn't see it.

"Deepest. Wait, you filthy little-"

"Uh uh uh. No threats, I have no time. Can't have you ruining everything with The Last Stand. You won't be standing no more," And with that, Alex jumped and dove headfirst into the thick shadows, returning to the forest as if nothing happened.

He appeared right where he had left, the underbrush. Canyon was coming close to the creek, a 10-foot long blue flag in hand. Will Solace was covering his retreat as he yelled orders to the two Nemesis kids and Victor's, who were screaming taunts at Percy and Jason.

Then, behind Alex, he saw Frank with their silver flag, Hazel was in hot pursuit but her cavalry sword was out of reach.

Canyon and Frank sped up, trying to be the first one over the creek, Chiron was there, anticipation clear in his face. Alex figured he ought to do something.

"Serve me," He declared, using his Stygian crown to help summon half of a hundred skeletons that immediately slowed Frank down. He started to fight his way through them but Hazel had now caught up.

Then, Frank bunched up the flag, tied it to his arrow, and drew it back in his bow.

Alex's heart pounded as he tried to get the skeletons to stop him. They did their best, but it wasn't enough. With an echoing twang, the arrow rocketed out of its bow and towards the enemy's territory.

"Catch!" Alex shouted, creating a skeleton right at the borders who caught the arrow by its tail.

The flag was hanging over the creek, it turned a shimmery color of red with crossed spears. Alex realized they had lost, but then, he noticed Canyon was standing near him, his skin literally radiating light, eyes pure white and a golden flag in hand. He was panting hard and looked really nauseous, already being pale, his skin took on a greenish tint. The flag had a huge sun in the middle.

Confusion gathered in his face as Alex tried to catch his breath. His skeletons collapsed back into the dark and Chiron trotted over, already having blown the conch horn.

Immediately, everyone swarmed the old centaur, demanding to know who had one. When Chiron said it was a draw, the Victor twins burst into an argument and everyone else complained. Will clapped Canyon on the back, congratulating his brother and cheering loudly. He was still glowing and Chironw as watching him carefully, Alex recognized the look. he was analyzing him. The Stoll brothers broke through the forest shortly, demanding to know what had happened then whooping louder than everyone else when they learned they hadn't lost.

"So Canyon here has the power over light?" Connor asked, beaming as he examined their flag, which was also glowing.

"Yeah, it's really rare. I didn't really think children of Apollo were born with the gift, but then again, Leo was born with fire powers," Will said brightly.

"So how did I teleport?" Canyon asked him.

Alex tried to keep his eyes from widening, but this was not good. If Canyon could light travel, then his powers possibly matched Alex's. And the last thing Alex needed was another person who was close to his equal. Maybe that's why Tartarus had told him to watch the new twins. He'd foreseen Canyon's abilities.

The Last Standजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें