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"W-what?" Nini stuttered with tears immediately filling her eyes.

"Please don't say anything yet. I just... I couldn't take it anymore. I've loved you since our very first conversation, Nini. Ever since I saw you walking into Starbucks two minutes before closing soaking wet, I've loved you." Ricky was choking on his own words. Nini could see his cheeks to blotch up and she even noticed a tear falling down his face onto his neck. Meanwhile, Nini herself couldn't move. Tears dropped onto her shirt every time she blinked, and they didn't seem to stop.

"I-" She began.

"Please. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. And you have the most incredible soul. You're the best friend I've ever had in my life, and even though we're so different, and I usually don't like smart asses like you..." He took a breath while Nini let a laugh out. "I can never get tired of you. Or hate you. Or not want to be with you. I'm sorry if this is weird, I just had to say-"

"I love you too, Ricky." Nini was smiling; her grin stretched from ear to ear. She had never been more happy as she wiped her tears from her face.

"You do?"

"I really do." Nini laughed tearfully. "You're all I can think about. All the time. You're the best friend I've ever had and you make me so, so incredibly happy. You encourage me to go outside my comfort zone and not to care what other people think of me so much. You make me relaxed. So yes, I love you. I have since the moment we met, but I only realized it a while ago."

Ricky just laughed.

"What-" Nini began but was cut off by the sensation of Ricky's lips on her own.

Was she dreaming? In heaven? Both?

If she had said she hadn't fantasized about what this moment would be like, she would be telling a boldfaced lie. And this moment lived up to every single one of her wildest expectations and dreams and then added some that she hadn't even thought of. In this kiss she tasted a cocktail of emotions on his lips; love, passion, anxiety, happiness. It was like Nini was living in a teenage coming of age movie, where the girl finally gets the guy and the music swells in the background. His lips were soft; the kiss was perfection.

After what seemed like an hour, Ricky broke the kiss. Nini opened her eyes to see him grinning.

"What?" Nini laughed.

"I've just been waiting forever to do that. And Gina was right."

"Uh, what?" Nini stuttered at the mention of Gina's name. "What did she say?"

"After you gave me your phone number, I drove to her to talk about it, and she knew I liked you. So she told me to ask you out, and I told her you didn't like me like that. And I remember exactly what she said. She said 'You haven't been this happy in such a long time. And when you talk about her, your face lights up. You love her. She loves you. Ask her out, dumbass.'"

Nini giggled. "She gave me the same type of talk a few weeks ago, actually."

Ricky's face burned. "She told you?" 

"Yeah." Nini smiled. "Nothing embarrassing, I promise."

"Remind me to kill her."

"Well, good came out of it."

"Yeah." Ricky leaned in and kissed her again. The sunset was slowly being replaced with a dark and starry sky. "Should we get going?"

"Sure." Nini breathed, and stood up. Ricky followed and took Nini's hand.

"Your hand is so small." Ricky laughed.

"Shut up." Nini blushed, and they walked down the ramp to the elevator. 

They pressed the button and stepped inside. 

"Hey." Ricky suddenly said.

"You can't confess your love to me. Already did that." Nini giggled.

"It isn't about that."

"What is it?"

"My hoodie." Ricky said.

Nini blushed. "Oh, um, I can give that back if you want, I'm so sorry-"

Ricky shook his head. "No, keep it. Wear it if you want." Nini smiled.

He didn't know that she hadn't worn the hoodie, but she'd never removed it from her bed. She'd meant to give it back a day after he'd given it to her, but she could never bring herself to do it. 

It smelled like him.

"Thanks." She smiled. The doors creaked open, and together they walked back to Ricky's car. He turned his playlist back on, and Harry Styles started playing loudly. 

Nini felt like she was in a coming of age movie. Ricky watched out of the corner of his eye as Nini rolled down the window and turned the music up. She threw her arms in the air and closed her eyes, letting the wind blow her long hair around haphazardly. The chill of the wind enveloped the inside of the car, but neither Nini or Ricky were concerned with it.

In this moment, watching the woman he loved, Ricky felt invincible. Like life could never get worse. He wanted to feel this forever.


After about 40 more minutes of driving, Ricky pulled up at Nini's dorm building.

"Well. Goodnight." Ricky laughed.

"Goodnight," Nini said, leaning in and kissing Ricky.

"On the lips this time." He said, feigning shock. Nini rolled her eyes.

"We didn't know we liked each other last time, shut up!" she laughed. "But honestly. Thank you for tonight. This was the best night ever. I mean that." Smiling, Nini stepped out of the car, and waved Ricky off as he drove away. As soon as he was out of sight, she ran up the stairs to her dorm room. She burst through the door, startling Kourtney.

"What the hell, girl? I was working! You know I have that giant project due tomorrow for merchandising class-" Kourtney started.

"Ricky said he loved me!" Nini had to restrain herself from yelling. Kourtney jumped out of her desk and ran to hug Nini. She squealed and they embraced, both smiling from ear to ear.

"It was the best night of my life."

hi friends! so it finally happened. this story isnt over yet, i promise! but i hope you guys liked the confession/the last two chapters. i think they give off jim from the office vibes (which was an accident lol. i just love jim)! 

i was blown away by how many readers from different countries i have! i live in michigan, USA, if anyone was wondering! 

how old are you? im 16 :)

last thing: thank you for almost 12k! :) i love every single one of u! stay safe, don't forget to check on your friends:)

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