The auction is so much fun. I bid on the years supply of donuts from artsy donuts and won. My dad won a private yacht cruise to Puerto Vallarta that he said, "I'm only taking your mom so don't get too excited." He kissed her hand and she was all smiles. Gross. But also, so cute and everybody's relationship goals.

I stand at the door and thank everyone for coming and for their unwavering support. Lucy is adding up the total with Mrs. Miller, Josh and Watson. Josh was late and I don't know why. He looked worse for the wear when he did walk in. I need to get a minute with him tonight.

I hug Vivienne and Mr. Hastings goodbye before they leave and again my dad sees it as he walks in the hostess area. I gulp.

"Dad this is Vivienne Phillips. The designer I am wearing. I've worked with her before." I say and step aside so they can meet.

"Nice to meet you Sir. I'm a huge fan of yours." She says brightly. She looks humbled in his presence and at the same time completely confident.

"I'm a huge fan of anybody that my Izzy adores. Thank you for keeping her clothed. I'd go broke, otherwise." We all laugh even Mr. Hastings who has stepped to the side as to avoid my father. My mom walks up with a sleeping Brandon and a whining Willow.

"But mom, everyone's going and I bet Izzy is too." I hear her say. I have no idea what she's talking about.

My mom looks at me pointedly.

"Izzy can I go with you to Newport. There's a huge party at Sally Proper's house. Everyone's going. I heard Lucy saying that she will be going. And Tanya." She is whining. Begging. Pathetic.

"I'm going home. I'm not in the mood for a party." I smile at her, but my heart isn't in it. I don't think she has even hugged me since Logan got injured. Asked how I'm holding up and to be honest she was rolling her eyes during Rachel's speech tonight. I don't know what her problem is?

"I said no Willow." My mom bites out the corner of her mouth before she smiles at Vivienne.

"Hi! I'm so glad we get the chance to meet you tonight. You're so talented and beautiful!" My mom practically shoves Brandon into my dad and hugs her gently. "Izzy is constantly telling us how beautiful and inspirational you are, and I have to agree. What you've accomplished in such a short time and at your age is amazing!"

"Thank you Mrs. Sterling." Vivienne says looking as regal as ever.

"Oh, please call me Deena." My mom says warmly. She looks past her and smiles at Mr. Hastings. "Hi there Travis. How are you?"

"I'm well. How are you Deena?" Mr. Hastings asks with such a magnificent smile my heart aches for him. What did he do?

My mom steps around and hugs him tightly. I can feel my dad stiffen and all the warmth of tonights efforts and success leave the room.

"Dad, I'm going with Tanya to a party in newport." Ryder says walking into the hostess area with his eyes on his phone screen. "I won't be out late..." He looks up and his jaw drops when he sees my mom let go of his dad. "at least I hope not." He lets out a huge puff of air and looks squarely at me. This stresses him out too. I feel like I may just faint again.

"You must be Ryder. I'm so happy to finally get the chance to meet you after all these years." My mom says and sticks her hand out to shake his and he reciprocates looking stunned.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Sterling." He says with a terrified smile.

"Please call me Deena." She turns to my dad who looks at her as though she just grew a penis on her forehead. She opens her eyes wide at him, as if she is conveying how rude he is being. It takes him long enough, but he finally sticks a hand out that isn't being used to hold Brandon and shakes Ryders hand. "All you kids did such an amazing job. You must be so proud of yourself." He says to Ryder in his business tone but his face is red. Not terrifying red, but a mild red that could spike any second.

The Princess of Laguna(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now